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Implementation results show that it achieves 1.52 times power efficiency than previous works and can meet the requirements of high-definition video camcorders and digital still cameras. 展开 关键词: CMOS integrated circuits image processing video cameras CMOS technology CRISP-DS HD digital camcorders ...
上层连接器 视频接口芯片也基本采用silicon image和ADI等大厂元器件,但都属于高性价比类型,并不追求极致性能。总体来看,DS-64XX系列产品源于同一个设计,通过主板堆叠、选择性芯片焊接及软件配置技术,形成了数款不同容量的产品,从性价比、商业定位及产品维护等方面来讲属于比较成功的设计,体现了海康在安防行业多年...
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EDDS HD950/1300HS 冷轧是一种高品质的冷轧钢板材料,广泛应用于各种工业领域。它具有出色的机械性能、加工性能和耐腐蚀性,因此成为了许多工程师和制造商的首选材料。首先,让我们来了解一下EDDS HD950/1300HS 冷轧的机械性能。这种材料具有高强度和高硬度,可以承受较大的压力和冲击力。同时,它还具有较好的韧性...
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The best thing you can give your children is knowledge. Islam for Kids-3 is a study-app for children to equip them with the knowledge of Islam. This study-app is useful for children up to grade 3. The length and depth of the lessons are age and grade
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