首先,获取ROOT权限是肯定的了,你可以参见Kindle Fire HD 7.4.6 Root。 然后,下载以下软件,Google Service Framework,Google Login Service, andGoogle Play Services. 使用ES File Explorer将这四个软件安装到你的Kindle。 下载Vending.apk和Google Play Store 4.1.10,并通过腾讯手机助手或360手机助手的文件管理工具,...
Fire HD 10..前言:本教程适用于Kindle Fire HD 10 2017(即7th),系统版本5.6.0.0(可以正常安装软件的版本),由于CPU不同无法用于HD7及HD8。ROOT有风险,本教程比一般ROOT
这款7.0英寸的Kindle Fire HD采用了一块分辨率为1280x800的屏幕,搭载了由德州仪器生产的主频为1.2GHz的双核 OMAP 4460处理器,运行内存从之前的512MB升级至1GB,综合性能在上一代产品的基础上得到提升,其最低售价199美元(内置存储容量16GB,带Special Offers广告推送),而国行版的Kindle Fire HD 7的最低售价为1499元...
1.On FireStick home, click theMagnifying Glassicon, scroll down, and openSearch.Next, enterDownloaderin search and select it from the suggested search results. OpenDownloaderand clickGet/Downloadto install it on your FireStick. 2.Click theGearicon at the far right of your FireStick home screen...
Then I installed the "Kindle Fire USB Driver" via the official Amazon method shown here:I don't have sufficient permission to link to the actual page, because xda-dev forums are overzealous in spam-prevention.I now have Google Play store, and have access to my Amazon content as well.你...
There are somenew featuresintroduced in Fire OS 8, e.g.,dark mode, native screen recorder, and one-time permission. You may checkthis postfor details of Fire OS 8. If yousideload Google Play Store to Fire HD 10 2023,you may have more choices of available apps. ...
1)Why do I need to manually install Google Play Store on Amazon Fire tablet? 2)What are the 4 APK files you need to install Google Play Store on Amazon tablets? 2.1)For Fire OS 5 2.2)For Fire OS 6 (8th gen Fire HD 8 (2018) or 9th gen Fire 7 (2019)) ...
but it’s one of the few mistakes you can make that could actually damage your router. In addition to blocking the signal, keeping a router in an enclosed space could cause it to overheat. One woman inFloridarecently lost her home in a fire that she says wasstarted by her Wi-Fi router...
Amazon Fir..1 拿到板子第一件事就是root。本教程仅适用于Amazon Fire HD 10 2017先说明一下,目前Fire HD 10 2017的root是未完全的,部分软件可能无法获取root权限,当然,
Cover Fire has an engrossing storyline, and the most recent update brought the new Sniper Ops mode. With this, you will get 3 seconds of extra play by defeating targets before the time runs out. Download Cover Fire 14. Dead Effect