Interior designers, owners/developers, purchasing and architectural firms, restaurants/casinos, healthcare/senior living, cruise lines, and many more consider HD Expo the ideal platform for facilitating strong buyer-seller relationships within the hospit
Explore HD Expo + Conference, the leading hospitality trade show for design innovation. Discover what's new and connect with the industry.
美国拉斯维加斯酒店设计展览会(HD expo )展会的主办方是MANDALAY CONVENTION CENTER,展会的举办周期是一年一届,美国拉斯维加斯的酒店设计展是同行业展会最大型的一个,每年不下900家的参展商,超过7000位企业决策人云集在此,他们在这里可以观看到行业产品的新设计,创意理念。
2.纺织品(室内装潢和床罩/帷幔/窗帘布)3.地板(地毯/垫子、硬表面、弹性材料)4.座位 - 个人(餐厅、休息室、户外)5.座位 - 团体(餐厅、休息室、户外)6.照明(个人和系列/系列)7.案例和独立家具(个人和系列/系列)8.配件或特色产品(艺术品/标牌/装饰品、硬件/装饰金属/塑料、运营用品/便利设施)02...
Established in 1992, HD Expo is the premier trade show for the hospitality design industry. Presented by Hospitality Design magazine, the show is at the forefront of offering the newest and most innovative products and services, encouraging and sharing ideas, providing inspiration and connecting the...
从家居软装单品类到建装全品类,2023HD+ Asia继续携手BUILD ASIA Mega Show亚洲建筑及装饰联展,全面整合软装、硬装、智装全品类,聚焦工程集采、设计及终端应用,帮助企业打通建装全品类上下游产业链,打造真正有价值的软装生态圈。 03、三大主题系列活动,聚焦行业热点赛道 ...
2023年7月26日-28日,HD+ Asia 将继续携手R+T Asia亚洲门窗遮阳展及BUILD ASIA Mega Show,落户上海-国家会展中心(上海),全面整合硬装、软装、智装全品类,聚焦工程集采、设计及终端应用。在满足观众一站式采购需求的同时,为展商拓宽海内外经销代理渠道,聚焦工程集采、设计及终端应用,为品牌的业务新增长及多元化发...
31/03/2023 No Comments There is no doubt that technology has had a huge impact on the way we live our lives. In particular, artificial intelligence (AI) has seen massive growth in recent years and shows no signs of slowing down. Businesses are starting to realize the potential benefits ...
HDAW 2023 general session talks through ‘unprecedented times’ The HDAW Expo floor is sold out, there 1,800 one-on-one meetings scheduled, and 756 distributors among the 2,500 attendees. It’s a big year. Jan 17, 2023 VIPAR Heavy Duty sponsors Northwood students at HDAW The students ...
130 000 square meters expo space . Location Venue: National Exhibition and Convention Center (NECC) Address: 1888 Zhuguang Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai, China . EARN MONEY AS AN AFFILIATE Invite your colleagues and business partners to the trade show to earn money for each visitor at...