HD 140283 is an extremely metal-deficient and high-velocity subgiant in the solar neighborhood, having a location in the HR diagram where absolute magnitude is most sensitive to stellar age. Because it is bright, nearby, unreddened, and has a well-determined chemical composition, this star avoi...
Detection of the Li I λ6104 Transition in the Population II Star HD 140283doi:10.1086/311408Piercarlo BonifacioP Molaro
lized for the same star with small modifications (which gave the programme a new identification number). For the 1993 observations, the procedure was altered somewhat in an attempt to improve the relative wavelength calibration between separate orbits. One wavelength calibration spec- ...
Because of the possible enhanced deuterium abundance of D/H = 2.5 10(-4) (the ISM D/H = 1.65x10(-5) ) recently reported in quasar absorption spectra, we searched for the D_alpha line at 6561 A in the metal-poor halo star HD 140283 (G2IV, [Fe/H] = -2.6; Teff= 5700K). We...
stars: individual: HD 140283stars: population IIstars: abundancesGalaxy: evolutionnuclear reactionsnucleosynthesisabundancesContext. Current theory regarding heavy element nucleosynthesis in metal-poor environments states that the r-process would be dominant. The star HD140283 has been the subject of debate...
HD140283 is an extremely metal-deficient and high-velocity subgiant in the solar neighborhood, having a location in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram where absolute magnitude is most sensitive to stellar age. Because it is bright, nearby, unreddened, and has a well-determined chemical composition, ...
Boron in the extreme Population II star HD 140283 and the production of light elements in the Early GalaxyGALAXY: ABUNDANCESEdvardsson, B.Gustafsson, B.Johansson, S. G.Kiselman, D.Lambert, D. L.Nissen, P. E.Gilmore, G.A&AAstronomy and Astrophysics...