通过实施这项HCV核心抗原检测策略,有可能大大节省国家筛查HCV病毒血症的成本,这可能改善资源有限地区获得治疗的机会。 Lucejko M, Flisiak R. Quantitative measurement of HCV core antigen for management of interferon-free therapy in HCV-infected ...
HCV核心抗原或可成为HCV感染全程诊断和监测的有效方式 Pérez-García A, Aguinaga A, Navascués A, et al. Hepatitis C core antigen: Diagnosis and monitoring of patients infected with hepatitis C virus. Int J Infect Dis. 2019 D...
北京大学第一医院感染疾病科 Lucejko M, Flisiak R. Quantitative measurement of HCV core antigen for management of interferon-free therapy in HCV-infected patients. Antivir Ther. 2018;23(2):149-156. 丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染治疗领域进展迅速,高效且短程的直接抗病毒药物(DAA)方案已经成为主流。在现阶段...
EvaluationofHCVcoreantigenELISAtestsysteminKoreanblooddonors HCVELISAcoreEvaluation of HCV core antigen ELISA test system in Korean blood donorsEvaluation of HCV core antigen ELISA test system in Korean blood donor中国输血杂志
9. Ponnuvel S, Fletcher GJ, Anantharam R, et al. Clinical utility of hepatitis C virus core antigen (HCVcAg) assay to identify active HCV infection in hemodialysis and renal transplant patients. PLoS One. 2021 Apr 22;16(4):e02...
[12] Wasithankasem ,Vichaiwattana P,Auphimai C,et al.HCV core antigen is an alternative marker to HCV RNA for evaluating active HCV infection:implications for improved diagnostic option in an era of affordable DAAs[J].PeerJ,2017,5:e4008. ...
Pollock KG, McDonald SA, Gunson R, et al. Real-world utility of HCV core antigen as an alternative to HCV RNA testing: Implications for viral load and genotype. J Viral Hepat. 2020 Oct;27(10):996-1002. 英国一项研究在真实临床应用中评估了HCV核心抗原检测在HCV抗体阳性人群中鉴别活动性感染的...
英文别名: HepatitisCVirus(Hcv)CoreAntigen(A.A.70-90)中文名: 中文别名: CBNumber: CB81023361 分子式: 分子量: 0 MOL File: Mol file 化学性质 安全信息 用途 供应商 2 HepatitisCVirus(Hcv)CoreAntigen(A.A.70-90)化学性质 安全信息HepatitisCVirus(Hcv)CoreAntigen(A.A.70-90)性质、用途与生产工艺 ...
Claudio Galli, Paul Julicher, Mario Plebani. HCV core antigen comes of age: a new opportunity for the diagnosis of hepatitis C virus infection. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2018, 56(6):880-888. WHO《乙型肝炎和丙型肝炎检...