Kiritani, M.: Similarity and difference between fcc, bcc and hcp metals from the view point of point defect cluster formation. J. Nucl. Mater. 276 , 41–49 (2000) ADSKiritani M.Similarity and difference between fcc,bcc and hcp metals from the view point of point defect cluster formation[...
While for the d -hcp phase marked variations with pressure have been found, there is hardly no change seen in fcc La. In d -hcp La the most remarkable results are an initial increase of γ, which cannot be explained by the increase of the electron-phonon coupling parameter λ alone and...
To simulate the HCP-FCC prismatic phase transition, a unit cell of 14√3a × a × 1.583a is selected in the present study, and the x, y, and z axes of the unit cell are set as the ⟨101¯0⟩, ⟨12¯10⟩, and ⟨0001⟩ directions, respectively. It should ...
HCP-FCC phasephase transformationmagnetismeffective field theoryIn this study, the exchange bias effect (EBE) revealed by the HCP-FCC structural phase transformation in Cobalt nanoparticles (CoNPs) are modeled and investigated by using the Ising model within the framework of the Effective Field Theory...
In terms of the development of models to describe the evolution of radiation damage and its role in irradiation-induced changes in material properties, the important parameters are not only the total number of Frenkel defects per cascade but also the distribution of their population in clusters and...
Isometric heat capacity cv and isobar heat capacity cp of Ru metal in HCP, FCC, BCC and liquid state were calculated by using pure element systematic theory. The results are in good agreement with joint army-navy-air force (JANAF) experimental value and the calculation result by first-principl...
fcc-AuRu3and hcp-AuRu3are 0.26:0.74 and 0.23:0.77, respectively, which are equal to the nominal ratio in the syntheses. The metal composition of the synthesized NPs was also analysed by using X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF). The ratios of Au to Ru in fcc-AuRu3and hcp-AuRu3are ...
Introduction: Co-based alloys for biomedical applications are usually fabricated by investment casting method and exhibits inherent defects that are cause of concern and can lead to early implant failure. In these alloys, the FCC and the HCP phases co-exist. Thus, there are efforts to obtain a...
T .S. Byun, 'Dose Dependence of True Stress Parameters in Irradiated bcc, fcc, and hcp Metals.' Wechsler Symposium on Radiation Effects, Deformation and Phase Transformation in Metals and Ceramics in 2006 TMS Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA, March 12-16, 2006. (To be published in ...
To understand the stability of artificial ultrathin FCC and HCP Cr films, we have performed total energy calculations based on spin-density functional theory with generalized gradient corrections for Cr in BCC, FCC and HCP structures. The calculated lattice and elastic constants of BCC Cr are in ...