Define Hco3. Hco3 synonyms, Hco3 pronunciation, Hco3 translation, English dictionary definition of Hco3. n. The polyatomic anion HCO3- or a compound, such as sodium bicarbonate, containing it. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fif
HCO3 cotransport is the predominant mechanism of net acid extrusion in human and murine breast cancer tissue, and in congruence, the protein expression of the electroneutral Na,HCO3 cotransporter NBCn1 is increased in primary breast carcinomas and lymph node metastases compared to matched normal ...
Therefore within the range of normal literature values, PHCO 3 is the only permeability that has a rate limiting effect on 18O exchange. This is why, in turn, PHCO 3 can be derived from an experimentally determined time course of mass 46/mass 44 by a fitting procedure. Another crucial ...
All six NBCn1-B mutants exhibited a near-normal Na/HCOcotransport activity as determined by the rate of intracellular pH (pH) recovery from a CO-induced acidification. However, when the is normalized to cotransport activity to control for surface presentation, five of the mutants displayed a ...
Hepatocytes possess several mechanisms for membrane acid-base transport, which work in concert to maintain intracellular pH (pHi) in a narrow physiological range, despite metabolic processes that produce and consume substantial quantities of H+ and HCO3-.Na(+)-H+ and Cl(-)-HCO3- exchangers contri...
Fur- thermore, the ductular ceils regained the ability to re- cover normal phi after an acid-loading NH4C1 pulse. This indicates that secretin stimulates H + secretion from pancreatic ductules. The secretin-dependent H + secretion could either be caused by the up-regulation of amiloride- ...
Thus, the acidic nature of the glutamic acid side chain is not required to maintain normal AE1 transport activity, but the site is very sensitive to changes in the size and shape of the side chain. In contrast, E148Q-ClC, which removes the glutamate carboxylate group, has H+ uncoupled ...
its physiological function is unclear. Mice lacking AE3 appear healthy and exhibit normal contractility under some conditions3; however, they have an impaired cardiac force-frequency response4and develop rapid decompensation and heart failure on a hypertrophic cardiomyopathy background5. Proposed physiologic...
Both systemic and local mechanisms are at work in H+ homeostasis in the brain and and depending on the specific acid-base disorder or the duration of the imbalance one or the other of the two factors may be the dominant one in maintaining H+ levels in the "normal" range. These factors ...
Fluorescence was linear with pHi over the range between pH 6.2 and 8.0; the coefficient of linear regression ranged between 0.95–0.99 in all the experiments. The rate of HCO3− influx was measured by linear regression of traces within the first minute. 2.6. Solutions HCO3−-buffered NaCl ...