Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management HCM 产品 Human Resources Talent Management Workforce Management 薪资管理 HCM Analytics 员工体验 Oracle ME 有效管理全球员工 基于一个通用数据源规划、管理和优化全球人员流程。做出更加明智的决策,打造个性化的员工体验,利用高度可配置的工作流实现可扩展性和本地化。
了解HCM 解决方案如何帮助人力资源部门更快地做出更明智的决策。通过 Oracle Cloud HCM 解决方案提高组织的参与度、生产力和业务价值。
Applications Oracle Human Capital Management (HCM)Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM is a complete cloud solution that connects every human resource process—and every person—across your enterprise. We help you create a community where people feel valued, heard, and like they belong. With a single user ...
Ultimately, it is clear that SAP is focusing its HR innovations on SuccessFactors. The decision to introduce the platform can therefore be described as future-proof.AsfarastheHRsectorisconcerned,SAPisfollowingastrategythatexplicitlymovesinthedirectionofSAPSuccessFactors,thenewcloudsolution.Itwasannouncedthati...
We leverage our 30-year relationship with Oracle, our status as a Platinum Partner, Cloud Premier Partner, and member of the Oracle Cloud Managed Service Partner Program, to make your migration to Oracle HCM Cloud easy. Our goal is to leverage the benefits of Oracle HCM Cloud to support ou...
Mit Oracle HCM Cloud kann Ihre Abteilung fundiertere Entscheidungen treffen und gleichzeitig von mehr Flexibilität profitieren. Darüber hinaus können Sie auch mehr der besten neuen Talente anwerben und binden, indem Sie auf deutliche Weise neue und agile Arbeitsweisen aufzeigen....
HCM software can integrate across functions and provide real-time access to data. It uses the cloud to offer efficiency and mobility, allowing you to access the right data analysis to be used in decision-making. Improved compliance It is important to comply with compliance regulations to avoid ...
Oracle Guided Learning helps accelerate implementation and adoption of your HCM Cloud applications. In-application guidance allows your team to realize instant productivity, reduce training and support costs and provide a smooth and simple experience for employees. Incorporate company-specific and local HR...
In-application guidance for all Oracle HCM Cloud applications, including Global HR, Talent Management, and Workforce Management. Bypass extensive learning on HR policies and processes to drive instant user productivity, reduce costs, increase employee satisfaction, and stay up-to-date with each cloud ...
Our cloud-based HCM software is designed to deliver superior people processes across your entire organization. Talk to our sales team to request a demo.