NotesMail prides itself in customer satisfaction, and many customers have been using CRUCIAL Notes Tools consistently for over 15 years.CRUCIAL Notes Tools is designed to allow better, stronger, faster productivity for Domino administrators and Notes developers. The Beacon Award nominated suite includes ...
Use this button to go to the download file for any of our Notes client-based tools.Client-based tools include: Analyzer, CIAO!® client edition, Configurator, Delta, Design Manager, Profiler client edition, Undo, and Validator. Go to Download ...
While I was working with HCL Domino Certificate Manager (CertMgr), which btw. is awesome, I encountered an issue, that caused HCL Notes to crash. Namely, the import of a seemingly valid PFX file (PKCS12 database, downloaded directly from the customer’s TLS provider’s site) caused the ...
You can split, merge, and remove duplicates from NSF files by using our top-notch HCL Lotus Notes Email Management software. SysInfo NSF to PST Converter SysInfo NSF to PST Converter allows users to convert NSF items (emails, calendars, contacts, tasks, notes) to Outlook PST format. ...
And an easy way is also available to users, i.e., NSF Viewer tool to just open and view NSF files without HCL Notes. In this case, there is even no need of any email client to open NSF files. Let us learn about both the solutions through their basic working steps one-by-one and...
Release notes 0.5.08 Fixing device hostname Including device model in hostname BREAKING CHANGE: The custom hostname config variable is renamed toCUSTOM_HOSTNAMEdue to naming conflict with some device models Merged PR130 for large NFS partition support ...
Thus, to convert Outlook to IBM Notes, one can exclude the deleted items folder and save time. This can be done by using the Exclude Deleted Items option.SysTools Migration Services Complete Outlook to HCL Notes Migration Solution Business Class Solution for Outlook to HCL Notes Migration ...
SysTools NSF to MBOX Converter Batch Conversion of Emails from Lotus, IBM, and HCL Notes NSF File to MBOX Format (Average Rating 4.7 Based on 2570 Reviews) Batch Conversion of Emails from NSF to MBOX File Format Export Lotus Notes Domino Server Mailbox NSF to MBOX Files Remove Encryption ...