My Notes is a one-stop solution for accessing your IBM Lotus Notes applications from Android or iOS devices
Use this button to go to the download file for any of our Notes client-based tools.Client-based tools include: Analyzer, CIAO!® client edition, Configurator, Delta, Design Manager, Profiler client edition, Undo, and Validator. Go to Download ...
iNotes Zip compress using Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari Notes Traveler, Blackberry Zip compress via server-side Automatically compress attachments in outbound, inbound, old emails Schedule mailbox / DB compression and archiving daily, weekly, monthly (Windows, Linux, IBM i, AIX) Compre...
Email is the gateway to an increasing trend of global breaches. HCL Domino secures your data while offering full flexibility in deployment. HCL Notes and HCL Verse, secure email clients powered by HCL Domino, now come with multiple online meeting integrations and updated UI. Learn more With...
#LotusNotes #IBMNotes new software and documentation from Zoom can be found here.] HCL Notes users: If you are using Zoom instead of HCL Sametime for your video meetings, you may have discovered that the Notes integration plugin provided by Zoom that made it easy to schedule Zoom meetings ...
1. Install My Notes Desktop on your computer from and setup connection to HCL/IBM/Lotus Notes; 2. Install the app on your mobile phone; 3. Launch the app and connect to Desktop by scanning QR code. - - - MAIN ADVANTAGES - - - * EASY INSTALLATIO...
1. Install My Notes Desktop on your computer from and setup connection to HCL/IBM/Lotus Notes; 2. Install the app on your mobile phone; 3. Launch the app and connect to Desktop by scanning QR code. - - - MAIN ADVANTAGES - - - * EASY INSTALLATIO...
HCL Domino News - Notes Community Help Site - Technical tips and tricks for Domino, Notes, iNotes, Traveler, Nomad, Domino Leap, Volt MX Go, Sametime, Verse, HTMO, HCAA
对于IBM SmartCloud——从云扩展器服务器到IBM SmartCloudURL 的网络访问。 .NET 3.5 或更高版本 许可要求 - 对于Lotus Notes 8.5.2+ - Domino 帐户和具有足够权限的 Domino 或 Traveler 管理员凭证。 您必须至少具有“服务器远程管理的管理员”访问级别以及对Traveler.nsf ...
IBM以18亿美元的价格向HCL出售包括Notes和Domino在内的软件组合 HCL Technologies已经以18亿美元的价格收购了许多IBM软件产品。两家公司在一份新闻稿中表示,该交易将于明年年中完成,但须经监管机构批准。 HCL的产品包括Notes和Domino;连接;本地版本的Portal,Commerce和Unica; BigFix的;和Appscan。 HCL Technologies C ...