David HCLTech USA Thanks to the TechBee program, I started working at HCLTech after completing my studies. The culture of empathy and encouragement is truly inspirational. I'm proud to work in an organization with such strong human values and to be able to improve the lives of the specially...
DavidHCLTech USA Thanks to the TechBee program, I started working at HCLTech after completing my studies. The culture of empathy and encouragement is truly inspirational. I'm proud to work in an organization with such strong human values and to be able to improve the lives of the specially...
estão sendo tratados na justiça do trabalho porque o cliente errou em situação absurda. E quem sofreu as consequências é o elo fraco - funcionário. Hoje a HCL já perdeu contrato com um dos maiores clientes do mundo. Não sei se foi por causa desse problema, mas pode ser....
It sure seems that the industry in Canada and the USA has to comply with some pretty hard, sometimes harsh, air pollution standards compared to other countries. Back in the 70's I recall hearing a Pakistani minister on the radio saying that 'we don't care too much about pollution, we j...
Today is the 31st anniversary of the Gold Release build of the software that is now known as HCL Notes and Domino, that was compiled in it's first iteration as Lotus Notes Release 1. Yep, what you are looking at would be familiar to many veterans in the software industry, it's a Vir...
JobsResearch Article Synthesis of [14C]anthracycline anticancer agent 14-O-(β-alanyl-N-HCl)-7-O-(2′,6′-dideoxy-2′-fluoro-α-l-talopyranosyl) adriamycinone-14-14C (DA-125-14C) Sung W. Rhee1,*, Kenneth J. Ryan1, Michael Tracy1, Andrew B. Kelson1, Lane A...
Only 2 weeks PTO.Company continually looking to offshore jobs to keep down the costs.I was there for a few years but constantly in fear of my job. I should have left before I was laid off. 这篇点评对您有用吗? 报告分享 5.0
We sustain our success in the US rests by continuously creating jobs and investing in tech hubs like Silicon Valley and Boston's 128 tech belt. Collaborating with 50+ universities, we engage with younger talent through career events, workshops and tech competitions, building lasting relationships....
The usual jobs are mostly updating of the computer utilities that are needed to check daily. Most of the time we were looking for the internet connection to ensure that the computers are really connected to the network. 这篇点评对您有用吗?
DavidHCLTech USA Thanks to the TechBee program, I started working at HCLTech after completing my studies. The culture of empathy and encouragement is truly inspirational. I'm proud to work in an organization with such strong human values and to be able to improve the lives of the specially...