The ultimate aim is to improve the take home baby rate and initial hCG value can help us counsel our patients towards the ultimate outcome. Embryo development in early pregnancy follows a preprogrammed-timing schedule and depends mainly on the embryonic age of the healthy, successfully implanted ...
参考文献: Qiu P , Wang Y , Ji H , et al. Predictive value of serum human chorionic gonadotropin concentrations for pregnancy outcomes of in vitro fertilization in women of different ages[J].Reprod Biomed Online, 2021...
value ofβ-HCG between non-pregnant and pregnant women was 2.95 IU/L,the predicted sensitivity was 94.2%,and the specificity was 96.8%.The cut-off value ofβ-HCG between continuing pregnancy and termination of pregnancy was 11.20.For IU/L,the predicted sensitivity is 76.9%and the specificity ...
有研究表明,HCG水準和妊娠高血壓綜合征發生有一定關係,妊娠中、晚期,HCG水準升高,更容易患上妊娠高血壓及先兆子癇。 HCG其他用途 *預估孕周範圍: 雖然HCG水準隨孕周有所變化,但正常HCG 水準範圍很廣,所以不能確定準確孕周,只能供大致瞭解。 *唐氏篩查: 孕媽在懷孕15-20周需要做唐氏篩查,通過檢測母血中AFP、uE...
Remember that astand-alone hCG level cannot diagnose a pregnancy abnormality.Try your best not to overanalyze a single hCG value. As long as your practitioner confirms that your pregnancy is progressing as it should, don't worry. If you are concerned, talk with your doctor about your results...
Find out all of the information about the MH medical product: pregnancy test . Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.
Objective:To evaluate the value of serum progesterone and β-HCG in selecting the candidate patients with ectopic pregnancy for methotrexate treatment and in monitoring the effect of treatment.Mehtods:EP patients were given single-dose intramuscular injection with 50mg/m 2 MTX.The serum progesterone ...
A formula for scoring human embryo growth rates in in vitro fertilization: its value in predicting pregnancy and in comparison with visual estimates of embryo quality [J]. J in Vitro Fertil Embryo Transfer, 1986,3(5):284-95. [2]庄广伦.现代辅助生育技术[M].北京:人民卫生出版社,2005: 232-...
妊娠早期hcg、孕酮正常值及临床意义(Normalvalueandclinical significanceofhCGandprogesteroneinearlypregnancy) A,HCG(humanchorionicgonadotropin) HCGiscomposedofalphaandbetatwoglycoproteindimer.But thealphasubunitofanteriorpituitaryhormonesarecommon. ThebetasubunitisspecificforHCG.CompleteallHCGis producedbytheplacenta...