HCG血检全称Human Chorionic Gonadotropin blood test,被广泛用于检测妊娠的标志。它通过测量女性体内的hCG激素水平来确定是否怀孕。当受精卵着床在子宫内时,母体就会产生hCG激素。正常情况下,怀孕后数天至一周时间内,hCG水平会显着升高。唯一利用hCG血检检测是否怀孕,但是它也可能用作其他需要血液检测的...
Q. How is an HCG Test Performed? A. The phlebotomist draws the blood sample from the vein during the HCG Blood Test. Q. How To Prepare For The Test? A. It requires no special preparation. However, you must consult your doctor once before the test. ...
Urine one step hCG test 早早孕试剂条操作说明书
5、绒促性素激发试验(HCG激发试验).docx,绒促性素激发试验 (HCG Stimulation Test) 【试验原理】: HCG和 LH的α亚单位相同而β亚单位相似,可模拟LH对睾丸间质细胞产生刺激作用,促进睾酮产生。 【试验意义】: 用于评估睾丸间质细胞(Leydig细胞)的功能;判断有无睾丸
[2]Lertkhachonsuk R. Quantitative urine hCG and urine pregnancy test in gestational trophoblastic disease patients with low hCG titer. J Med Assoc Thai. 2015 Jan;98 Suppl 1:S36-41. PMID: 25764611. [3]Use of heterophilic antibody blocking ag...
厂家直销 早孕试纸盒精准女测怀孕试纸条试卡 出口包装 HCG TEST 复购率: 55% 5年 ¥0.18 成交0笔 南通市 厂家直销 早孕试纸盒精准女测怀孕试纸条试卡 出口包装 HCG TEST 复购率: 55% 5年 ¥0.16 成交0笔 南通市 厂家直销 早孕试纸盒精准女测怀孕试纸条试卡 出口包装 HCG TEST 复购率:...
Pregnancy, Blood Test (hCG Qualitative) Secure and ConfidentialResults Over 4,500CLIA-Certified Labs U.S. Labs MostResults in 1-3 Days 110% Price Guarantee 9849.00 Add to Cart About Our Pregnancy, Blood Test (hCG Qualitative) Note:Fasting is not required for this test. ...
The CLINITEST hCG pregnancy test gives you fast, easy instrument-read-and-reported test results — taking the question out of the results and the interpretation out of your hands. Just apply the patient’s sample and let your CLINITEK Status®+ Analyzer do the rest. ...