Fertil Steril 2012; 97:101. Kadar N, DeVore G, Romero R. Discriminatory hCG zone: its use in the sonographic evaluation for ectopic pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 1981; 58:156. Keyword Tags:hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), hCG and IVF, hCG Levels, Pregnancy Test App Store Android...
Measuring Estradiol Levels After HCG Administration in IVF Cycles is not Clinically Usefulintrauterine inseminationcathetersThis multicenter retrospective chart review study performed on 162 cryptorchid patients and on 34 subjects with retractile testes suggests that cryptorchidism and retractile testes can ...
规体外受精 一胚胎移植 ( IVF —ET ) 和卵细胞胞 浆 内单精子 注射( ICSI)取 卵周 期两 天胚 胎移 植术 后 ,第 14 天一16 天 329 例确定生化妊娠 ,随后 B 超 确定 临床妊 娠 ,并 随访 致临 床流产或产后胎儿性别 。患者年龄 21 ~44 岁 ,平均 31.95 ± ...