Question:3 FactorsTreemethod因数树分解法 CanyouwritetheHCFof84and120?Question:4 HowtofindtheLCMof18and42?FindtheLCMandHCFof630and990?Venndiagram TheLCMof6and8is24.Exercises:Doyouwanttochallenge?Summary:1.Whatdidyoulearninthislesson?2.Doyouhaveanyquestions?3.Canyouteachyourfriendssomething?
Some used a Venn diagram approach with the prime factors of 6 and 180; others wrote out all the factors of 180, then eliminated all of those which didn't have a factor of 6 and finally paired the remaining numbers starting with the smallest and largest (6 and 180), then the next ...