Step 2:Since the remainder = 0, the divisor (6) is the HCF(6, 72) = 6. Step 3:Now to find the HCF of 6 and 120, we will perform a long division on 120 and 6. Step 4:For remainder = 0, divisor = 6 ⇒ HCF(6, 120) = 6 Thus, HCF(6, 72, 120) = HCF(HCF(6, 72...
HCF of 6 and 10 is the largest possible number which divides 6 and 10 without leaving any remainder. The methods to compute the HCF of 6, 10 are explained here.
NCERT solutions for CBSE and other state boards is a key requirement for students. Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year pap...
To find the HCF (Highest Common Factor) of the polynomials p(x)=26(6x4−x3−2x2) and q(x)=20(2x6+3x5+x4), we will follow these steps: Step 1: Factor out the constants and the variable parts from both polynomials. 1. For p(x): - The constant is 26. - The polynomial pa...
Being able to find the Highest Common Factor (HCF) and Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of two numbers will help you when it comes to working with fractions, but there are also many real-life applications that use them. See how good you are in this middle school Math quiz.Read...
Wei and G. Dupeyrat, Improving mobile IPv6 handover and authentication in wireless network with E-HCF, International Journal of Network Management, vol.19, no.6, pp.479-489, 2009.Wei, A., Wei,G., Dupeyrat,G., "Improving Mobile IPv6 handover and authentication in wireless network with...
26 Fe 55.845 Iron Rio Tinto Group Project Name: Simandou Commodity: Iron Ore Country: Guinea Role: Structured Debt Advisory Advised ASX, LSE and NYSE-listed Rio Tinto plc. in relation to the development of a financing strategy and the management of a strategic partner search process for the ...
Proteins are translocated across the chloroplast thylakoid membrane by a variety of mechanisms. Some proteins engage a translocation machinery that is derived from the bacterial Sec export system and require an interaction with a chloroplast-localized SecA homologue. Other proteins engage a machinery that...
If Pnmeans prime factors of n, find: (i) p6 (ii) P24 (iii) p50 (iv) P42 Solution: HCF and LCM Exercise 8B – Selina Concise Mathematics Class 6 ICSE Solutions Question 1. Using the common factor method, find the H.C.F. of : ...
THAP1 is a sequence-specific DNA binding factor that regulates cell proliferation through modulation of target genes such as the cell cycle-specific gene RRM1. Mutations in the THAP1 DNA binding domain, an atypical zinc finger (THAP-zf), have recently been found to cause DYT6 dystonia, a ...