HCF of 32 and 56 is the largest possible number which divides 32 and 56 without leaving any remainder. The methods to compute the HCF of 32, 56 are explained here.
The HCF of 56 and 57 is 1. Learn to calculate the Highest Common Factor of 56 and 57 using prime factorisation, long division method and listing common factors with simple steps, at BYJU’S.
HCF of 64 and 96 will be . 02:38 HCF of 56 and 98 will be . 02:04 140 is written as the product of factors in the form . 00:52 150 is written as the product of factors in the form . 00:48Exams IIT JEE NEET UP Board Bihar Board CBSE Free Textbook Solutions KC Sinha Solutio...
——顾敻《虞美人·触帘风送景阳钟》 49、绿池落尽红蕖却,荷叶犹开最小钱。 ——杨万里《秋凉晚步》 50、芙蓉老秋霜,团扇羞网尘。 ——李白《中山孺子妾歌》 51、东望鞭芙缥缈,寒光如注。 ——刘辰翁《桂枝香·吹箫人去》 52、当轩对尊酒,四面芙蓉开。 ——王维《临湖亭》 53、菡萏香连十顷陂,小姑贪...