The HCC/HCF4532 consists of combinational logic that encodes the highest priority input (D7-D0) to a 3-bit binary code. The eight inputs, D7 through D0, each have an assigned priority. D7 is the highest priority and D0 is the lowest. The priority encoder is inhibited when the...
The 3-state outputs permit connection of this device to an external bus. HCF4517B DUAL 64 STAGE STATIC SHIFT REGISTER PIN CONNECTION ORDER CODES PACKAGE TUBE T & R DIP HCF4517BEY SOP HCF4517BM1 HCF4517M013TR DIP类似零件编号 - HCF4517M013TR 制造商 部件名 数据表 功能描述 STMicroelectr...
The low density of 2.66 kg/dm3 and the excellent strength-to-weight ratio enables a weight reduction of up to 35% in practical applications [1]. Hereby, casting and additive manufacturing (e.g., by laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF)) allow near-net-shape manufacturing from large- to ...