HCF of 72 and 120 is the largest possible number which divides 72 and 120 without leaving any remainder. The methods to compute the HCF of 72, 120 are explained here.
The given numbers are 72 and 120. To find the HCF of two numbers 72 and 120 we can use the prime factorization method. In the prime factorization method firstly we need to write all the prime factors of respective numbers and then find the highest common factor among the two. Here we h...
A merchant has 120 liters and 180 liters of two kinds of oil. He wants to sell the oil by filling the two kinds in tins of equal volumes. Find the greatest volume of such a tin. Solution : The given two quantities 120 and 180 can be divided by 10, 20,... exactly. That is, ...
Set up Equations:** Let: * HCF(a, b) = h * LCM(a, b) = 105h (Given: LCM is 105 times HCF) We are also given: a - b = 120 (Assuming a > b) **3. Substitute and Simplify:** Substitute the values of LCM and HCF in the relationship formula: a * b = (105h) * h ...
of 12 months BOM PCB PCBA SMT 3D Printing CNC MechatronicFR5028 Shelf life of 12 months BOM PCB PCBA SMT 3D Printing CNC MechatronicUR133AG-XX-AA-B-R Shelf life of 12 months BOM PCB PCBA SMT 3D Printing CNC Mechatroniccanned beans shelf lifeshelf life of potato chipsshelf life of ...
Yongyang company has the production capacity of 1.16 million tons of iron, 1.2 million tons of fine steel and 2.2 million tons of special steel profiles annually. It is a special steel enterprise mainly producing alloy structural steel, spring steel and ...
超频三凌镜 GI-CX240 一体式水冷CPU散热器,铝制喷黑加厚冷排,两颗120mm ARGB风扇配置。冷头方面,采用的同样是全铝外壳,侧面也有一圈RGB灯效条环绕面,正面则是支持ARGB的全面屏,中间内嵌超频三logo,可支持灯效同步,同时镜面可360°转动,颜值非常不错,实测散热效果也很赞。
首旅集团:春节假期旗下餐饮业态销售收入同比增长约72% 1月28日消息,2023年春节假期,首旅集团共接待游客28万人次,同比增长12.91%,实现销售收入同比增长25.98%。 观点新媒体获悉,首旅集团所属餐饮业态也随之火热升温,销售收入同比增长71.99%。 同时,首旅集团所属景区业态推出环球中国年、南山新春祈福游、非遗嘉年华等多...
72小时内的PCR或抗原测试为阴性 曾感染新冠但现已痊愈 以上三类人的获取方式也不太相同,小编这就给大家一一说明。 已接种疫苗人群: 已接种疫苗的小伙伴需要登录ameli网站,下载接种证明: https://attestation-vaccin.ameli.fr/ 选择“S'identifier avec FranceConnect”,然后选择一个登录方式 ...
HCF of 120 and 75 is the largest possible number which divides 120 and 75 without leaving any remainder. The methods to compute the HCF of 120, 75 are explained here.