no.: 120 009 compl. w. spur gear motor, speed reducer and separately driven fan in major consisting of: pump case: 1.4571 housing seal: gasket rotating parts: 1.4571 rotor: 1.4571, stator: 1.4571/VViscoTec Pumpen 2RB10KF/50 700ML/MIN/1.6ViscoTec Pumpen VISCOTEC H 4RM5D pump with moto...
The aim of Linpack is to give you a hand and assist you to solve your package problems with most suitable solution. We are specialized in packing machine 1.Rotary pouch packing machine 2.Rotary vacuum packing machine We provide professional packing solution and do a series of service from be...
lift gas springs, lockable gas springs, tension springs, dampers and all kinds of linear actuators. Our gas springs and liner actuators are mainly used for all kinds of cars, buses, furnitures, boats , medical equipment, beauty chairs, aviation, many machines , agriculture mac...
7月10日-14日,天津已连续6天无新增本土阳性感染者。 【今天,河西区柳林街核酸检测】河西区疫情防控指挥部发布通告,定于2022年7月17日(星期日)对柳林街开展核酸检测。 【天津:境外输入新增8+4】7月15日0时至24时,我市新增8例境外输入新冠肺炎确诊病例,我市新增4例境外输入无症状感染者。 国内外疫情防控 【...
苹果第二财季营收907.5亿美元,上年同期948亿美元;净利润236.36亿美元,上年同期241.6亿美元,均超市场预期;其中,iPhone营收为459.6亿美元,大中华区收入同比下降8.1%至163.7亿美元,但均高于市场预期。苹果宣布将回购额外1100亿美元股票,提高季度股息。 业绩公布后,苹果美股盘后涨幅一度扩大至7.7%,对应增加市值逾2000亿...