Question:3 FactorsTreemethod因数树分解法 CanyouwritetheHCFof84and120?Question:4 HowtofindtheLCMof18and42?FindtheLCMandHCFof630and990?Venndiagram TheLCMof6and8is24.Exercises:Doyouwanttochallenge?Summary:1.Whatdidyoulearninthislesson?2.Doyouhaveanyquestions?3.Canyouteachyourfriendssomething?
The factors of 6 are 1, 2, 3 and 6. How many factors of 180 are there? Could we use prime factors to find the factors of 180? Are there always four pairs? If we changed the numbers for the HCF and LCM, would there still be pairs of integers?