daysbeginningonthefirstdayofdiagnosisortreatmentofacoveredInjuryorIllnesswhiletheMemberisoutside his or her Home Country and while the Certificate was in effect. The Benefit Period applies only to Eligible Medical Expenses related to the Injury or Illness that began while the Certificate was in effe...
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fourth most common cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide1. The poor prognosis of HCC can be attributed to the fact that diagnosis is often made at a late stage in disease development2,3. Earlier detection of HCC is critical to reducing high HCC mortal...
on average at the time of diagnosis presented above all with tumor grade G2, too, but compared to the HCC cohort, with a more advanced tumor stage in the majority of cases. Details to median observation periods and events are listed in Table 1. The median OS time was 20.2 mo, half ...