a>CMSIS文件中拷入这几个文件 b>将官方驱动库中的hc32_ll_driver文件夹拷到我们的工程目录中 c>USR文件夹中拷入如下文件 5.Keil工程设置 a>在工程中创建文件夹,如下: b>加入文件 c>加入预定义符号 d>编译器版本先为5,否则会报一些符号未定义 e>加入头文件目录 6.修改代码 a>先打开hc32f4xx_conf.h文...
../../../../../../drivers/hc32_ll_driver/src/hc32_ll_fcg.c \ ../../../../../...
答案对人有帮助,有参考价值0 #define FLASH_BASE 0x00000000U #define FLASH_END 0x0001FFFFU ...
if (LL_OK == i32Ret) { I2C_BusWaitCmd(I2Cx, ENABLE);} I2C_Cmd(I2Cx, ENABLE);return i3...
HC32L130 系列 / HC32L136 系列 32 位 ARM® Cortex®-M0+ 微控制器 数据手册 产品特性 ⚫ 48MHz Cortex-M0+ 32 位 CPU 平台 ⚫ HC32L130/HC32L136 系列具有灵活的功耗管 理系统,超低功耗性能 – 0.5μA @ 3V 深度休眠模式:所有时钟关闭, 上电复位有效,IO 状态保持,IO 中断有效, 所有...
Secondly, we still need to program the flash. OpenOCD can happily connect to the chip using one of a plethora of available SWD debuggers, but it does not know about the integrated flash, or how to program it. The solution for this is to write a flash driver. Luckily, after machine-tr...
stcTxDesc)->u32Buf1Addr); bufferOffset = 0UL; /* Copy frame from pbufs to driver buffers */ for(q = p; q != NULL; q = q->next) { /* If this buffer isn't available, goto error */ if(0UL != (DmaTxDesc->u32ControlStatus & ETH_DMA_TXDESC_OWN)) { errval = (err_...
网站下载到设备驱动库(Device Driver Library, DDL)的样例代码并使用其中的DMA的样例 进行验证。 以下部分简要介绍本AN基于DDL 的DMA模块样例dmac_reload_address 代码所涉及的各项 配置。 1) 初始化LED: /* Initialize LED */ LedInit(); 2) 初始化DMA配置: ...
On Windows, you can use Windows Update or Device Manager to find a driver. If using Cygwin or WSL on Windows, you have to convert the Windows-style name into an Unix-style path (COM1 -> /dev/ttyS0, and so on). (This is not necessary if using esp-idf for ESP32 with the ...
The sysIO buffer pair comprising of the A and B PIOs in every PIC on the top edge have a differential output driver. The referenced input buffer can also be configured as a differential input buffer. Typical I/O Behavior During Power-up The internal power-on-reset (POR) signal is ...