tcpHCOutSegs INTEGER (0..18446744073709551615) Read-only The total number of segments sent, including those on current connections but excluding those containing only retransmitted octets. This object is the 64-bit equivalent of tcpOutSegs. Discontinuities in the value of this counter are indicate...
tcpHCInSegs INTEGER (0..18446744073709551615) Read-only The total number of segments received, including those received in error. This count includes segments received on currently established connections. This object is the 64-bit equivalent of tcpInSegs. Discontinuities in the value of this cou...
华为.HC-12-222.V200 题目1 判断:采用VLAN 方式进行组网,能够将网络划分为多个广播域,减少了广播流量,避免 了广播风暴的产生,并且增强了信息的安全性。A. True B. False Correct Answer: B 题目 2 关于华为交换机设备中的Hybrid 端口下面说法正确的是 A. Hybrid 端口只能用来连接网络设备 B. Hybrid 端口...
惠海HC3022D 45N3 30V45A DFN33 NMOS 100V200V50A100A150A200A 大电流 高耐压 MOS管的工作原理是基于在P型半导体与N型半导体之间形成的PN结,通过改变栅极电压来调整沟道内载流子的数量,从而改变沟道电阻和源极与漏极之间的电流大小。由于MOS管具有输入电阻高、噪声小、功耗低等优点,它们在大规模和超大规模集成电...
6N06- HC07..N沟道MOS管特性型号:HC070N06LS(丝印606A)类型:N通道增强模式特点:在VGS=4.5V时,漏极电阻低,实现快速切换。无铅电镀,符合RoHS标准。MOS管在DCDC电路中的工作原理导通
惠海半导体产品——HC3400Y N通道MOS管,这款产品其稳定的性能和高性价比。 一、产品亮点 多电压支持:HC3400Y支持30V至200V的宽电压范围,满足多种应用场景的需求,无论是低压还是高压环境,都能轻松应对。 低内阻设计:典型值为27mΩ @ VGS = 4.5V,这一低内阻设计确保了电流的高效传输...
6N06 NMOS管-HC070N06LS 丝印-606A 30V60V100V200V250V NMOS管和PMOS管选型汇总 原厂直销 优势替换品牌: 惠海半导体 型号: HC070N06LS 封装: SOT23-3 MOS耐压: 60v MOS管参数: 60V6A Rdson(VGs=10V): 65mΩ Rdson(VGs=4.5V): 80mΩ 典型应用领域: 加湿器、雾化器、美容 仪、香薰机...
DISNEY PIXAR MONSTERS INC & UNIVERSITY MOVIE IN COMICS HC (RDARK HORSE COMICSNOV200249 (W) Alessandro Ferrari (A) Various Monsters Mike Wazowski and hotshot James P. Sullivan, "Sulley," are in for a wild ride as their competitive spirit gets them in trouble at both Monsters University ...
型号:3/V200H 电压:3.6(V) 标称容量:200(mAh) 大容量:220(mAh) 重量:33.5(g) 大连续充放电1000次。 应用范围: 水表、气表、电表、实时时钟、PLC后备记忆电源、汽车电子、各种仪器、仪表、设备等 公司介绍: 上海翰宸电子有限公司是华东地区大型的批发代理进口电池经销商, 公司多年来与世界电池产业巨头友好合作...
The toothbrush is designed to be folded at the brush part for user's convenience in travelling. The toothbrush includes : a handle body (3) of a toothbrush (1); a ring (15) inserted to an adjusting part (4); a toothbrush control part (4) located to the handle body (3); a brush...