Experimental investigation of heat transfer during flow condensation of HC-R600a based nano-refrigerant inside a horizontal U-shaped tubeR600aCondensation flowNano-refrigerantHeat transfer coefficientU-shaped tubeThis experimental study investigates the effect of MWCNT (multi-walled carbon nanotube) ...
HC-600a(异丁烷R600A) 一.产品基本信息 常温常压下为无色可燃性气体。熔点-159.4℃。沸点-11.73℃。微溶于水,可溶于乙醇、乙醚等。与空气形成爆炸性混合物,爆炸极限为1.9%~8.4%(体积)。主要存在于天然气、炼厂气和裂解气中,经物理从分离等获得,亦可由正丁烷经异构化制得。主要用于与异丁烯经烃化制异辛烷,...
R600aCondensation flowNano-refrigerantHeat transfer coefficientU-shaped tubeThis experimental study investigates the effect of MWCNT (multi-walled carbon nanotube) nanoparticles on condensation heat transfer characteristics of R600a/oil mixture inside a horizontal U-shaped tube. The experiments are ...
such as coefficient of performance (COP) and refrigeration effect, compressor work will be found out the above refrigerants (R-134a and HC mixture (R290/R600a).Keywords: Vapour Compression Refrigeration System, Sub- cooling, Diffuser, Heat exchanger, R-134a, HC mixture (R290/R600a).Yet...