HC-05 bluetooth module(with en pin and state pin) 电阻1个 二极管小灯1个 杜邦线若干 andriod手机(APP:蓝牙串口) 蓝牙串口app 连接电路 hc-05_test_with_light.png arduino code #include<SoftwareSerial.h>#defineAnalogPin 9charch=' ';//用来存储手机发送过来的数据SoftwareSerialBT(3,2);//RX TX o...
HC-05 蓝牙串口通信模块,是基于 Bluetooth Specification V2.0 带 EDR 蓝牙协议的数传模块。无线工作频段为 2.4GHz ISM,调制方式是 GFSK。模块最大发射功率为 4dBm,接收灵敏度-85dBm,板载 PCB 天线,可以实现 10 米距离通信。模块采用邮票孔封装方式,模块大小 27mm×13mm×2mm,方便客户嵌入应用系统之内,自带 LED ...
在Android 端上进行调试,需要下载蓝牙串口调试 APP,可以根据喜好在各大应用商场搜索下载。 下载安装完成 APP 后,我们先打开手机的蓝牙设置,搜索并匹配好我们的蓝牙模块。然后打开蓝牙串口调试APP,让 APP 连接上蓝牙模块,然后我们可以在 APP 中输入1,接下来可以看到 LED 等亮了,并且能在 APP 中看到Serial–13–high...
By default the bluetooth module HC-05 sets baud rate at 38400, data bits 8, Stop bits 1 All schematics of this bluetooth module can be found at :http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o6BiNDS I used a USB-> TTL usb module connecting to the bluetooth module. Rx -> Tx on bluetooth module Tx ->...
HC 05 Bluetooth Module: with this HC 05 Bluetooth module,You can quickly add the Bluetooth feature to your Arduino project, and then you can use your android phone to control some gadgets, such as: switch, LED.Master and Slave 2-IN-1 HC 05 Module:Working
Buy HC-05 HC05 Bluetooth Transceiver Module 2.4G RF Wireless Industrial Bluetooth module RS232 / TTL to UART converter 6PIN at Aliexpress for . Find more , and products. Enjoy ✓Free Shipping Worldwide! ✓Limited Time Sale ✓Easy Return.
📦 Get bluetooth transceiver module with free return and fast delivery. The bluetooth transceiver module is easy to use and has a stable structure, excellent performance.
HC05 Bluetooth Module acts as a receiver. The Mobile phone uses its inbuilt Bluetooth to send the data using an app, hence it acts as a transmitter. Now based on the command sent through the phone, the Car is made to go in different directions accordingly. car atmega32 hc05 bluetooth-mo...
2. 正常运行的实验现象 开发板的液晶屏会显示 “HC05 BlueTooth demo, HC05 module detected! Device name :HC05_SLAVE ”三行文字,见图2-4 ,,长按开发板的KEY2 按 键(注意不要按KEY1) ,会随机生成一个新名字; 图 2-4 HC05 模块正常运行时的液晶显示 打开手机的BTClient APP ,打开手机的...
device with title HC-05. If found, the app will attempt to connect using the default password of 1234. Once connected, the letter 'P' will be sent. If a response of 'M' then there is a very high likelihood there is a skimmer in the bluetooth range of your phone (5 to 15 feet)...