Serial.begin(9600); //设置电脑和arduino主板串口通信波特率为9600 Serial.println("Enter AT commands:");//在电脑串口监视器上显示Enter AT commands,若串口监视器输出此句话则表示电脑与arduino主板成功以9600波特率建立通信关系 BTSerial.begin(38400);//设置arduino主板的软件模拟串口与蓝牙模块之间通信的波特率为...
(2) The most common commands for HC-03 and HC-05 are: AT+ROLE (set master –slave), AT+CMODE( set address pairing) , AT+PSWD (set password). If you want the master module has the function of remembering slave module, the most simply way is: First, set AT+CMODE=1. Make the ...
将AT-Commands发送到HC05蓝牙模块并更改其设置 通过按住按钮,模块将切换到AT命令模式。否则,它在通信模式下工作。有些模块的包装中有一个按钮,不再需要添加按钮。进入命令模式的默认波特率是38400.现在在电路板上上传此代码并使用串行监视器设置命令。 /* HC05 - Bluetooth AT-Command mode */ #include "Software...
将AT-Commands发送到HC05蓝牙模块并更改其设置 通过按住按钮,模块将切换到AT命令模式。否则,它在通信...
To change HC-05 baud rate from default 9600 to 115200, 1 stop bit, 0 parity enter: "AT+UART=115200,1,0" 参考链接
在市场上hc-05模块有两种一种是有EN脚,另一种是KEY脚, 他们之间的差别在于进入AT模式的方法. EN脚: KEY脚: 让HC-05模组进入AT模式,需要在通电之前,先把KEY引脚(蓝牙模组本身的34脚)接在高电位(通常3.3v,但是接5v也行),如果,只要一通电蓝牙模组就进入AT模式 ...
All commands start with “AT”, followed by the “+” sign, then a <Parameter Name> and they end either with the “?” sign which returns the current value of the parameter or the “=” sign when we want to enter a new value for that parameter. ...
HC-05 (ZG-B23090W): Communication and AT commands Next up is to see if we can talk to them using AT commands. There are a couple of ways to connect serial Bluetooth modules to a PC; via a serial UART adapter, or, by using an Arduino and a serial-in serial-out sketch. I am usi...
With a default serial speed of 9600 and a pairing pin number of 1234 both of which can be changed using AT commands. These modules also work with the common FT232RL USB to Serial converter modules (We sell them as well), making it very quick to get up...