第一个Arduino开发板的代码:/* Arduino Long Range Wireless Communication using HC-12 Example 02 ...
For this tutorial I made two basic examples explaining the how to connect the HC-12 module and make a basic communication between two Arduinos and an additional example where using an accelerometer sensor at the first Arduino I wirelessly control the position of the stepper at the second Ardu...
"HC12 Send/Recieve Example Program 2" remains backward-compatible with "HC12 Send/Recieve Example Program 1." However, two significant changes have been made in the way data is handled by the Arduino. In the first program, single bytes were detected and read from the serial buffer an...
I admit this example is more than bare-bones in that it has LEDs, but this lets me test it without needing a PC to show distance and check the accuracy of the sensor. Step 1: Parts List Arduino UNO R3 (I use the Adafruit mount) One (1) HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor One (1) Red LE...
Now we can move on to the next method, wireless control of the Arduino robot car using theNRF24L01 transceiver modules. Here’s the circuit schematic. We can note that these modules use the SPI communication, so compared to the previous example, I had the move t...
% Example:% a = arduino('COM3','Uno','libraries','JRodrigoTech/HCSR04');% sensor...
Arduino-based, 3D printed, wireless mechanical macro keyboard arduino bluetooth mechanical-keyboard hc05 usb-c macrokeyboard Updated Nov 7, 2019 C++ KipCrossing / PyBoard-HC05-Android Star 12 Code Issues Pull requests Micropython code for the HC05 Bluetooth adaptor and an example application...
/Firmware - Arduino example code. Make sure to check the pin definitions and what you are connecting to. Documentation Hookup Guide - Basic hookup and project example using the ultrasonic sensor. (Note: The example code used in this tutorial is slightly different than the basic example used ...
APP Inventor程序如下: APP界面: Arduino程序:HC05只设置了一下几个命令: 实物连接: Arduino的TX接HC05蓝牙模块的RXD Arduino的RX接HC05蓝牙模块的TXDHC05蓝牙模块接3.3V,舵机接5V,9号端口。 经测试:舵机未损坏,HC05蓝牙模块暂未测试是否损坏。各位大神看看APP程序和Arduino程序有问题吗?
/* Example code for HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor with Arduino. No library required. More info: https://www.makerguides.com */ // Define Trig and Echo pin: #define trigPin 2 #define echoPin 3 // Define variables: long duration; ...