The zs-040 breakout boards are now being used for many different modules and you may not have the exact same boards as those shown below. The modules I am using here use the EGBT-045MS Bluetooth module and have the HC/Wavesen 2.0-20100601 firmware. They also have an EN pin rather than...
Before we start with the first example, controlling an Arduino using a smartphone, let’s take a closer look at the HC-05 Bluetooth module. Comparing it to the HC-06 module, which can only be set as a Slave, the HC-05 can be set as Master as well which enables making a communicatio...
Slave mode, pin code :1234, device name: H-C-2010-06-01 ,Baud 38400bits/s. Get module address Bluetooth address: NAP: UAP : LAP Example: AT+ADDR? +ADDR:1234:56:abcdef OK Set/Check module name: Example: AT+NAME=HC-05 ;set the module name to “HC-05” ...
An Arduino library for the HC-05 Bluetooth ITead Studio HC-05 Serial Port Module. See theLICENSEfile for copyright and license information. The serial port can be configured as any supported Serial port or a SoftwareSerial port. Includes a demonstration program that can be uses to change the ...
For more on AT commands seeArduino with HC-05 (ZS-040) Bluetooth module – AT MODE Most HC-06 modules do not have the button switch (the space is empty) and bringing pin 34 HIGH on the HC-06 does not do anything. STATE Pin
1Mx32 5V Flash Module FEATURES ꢀ Access Times of 70, 90, 120ns ꢀ ꢀ Organized as 1Mx32, user configurable as 2Mx16 or 4Mx8. ꢀ Packaging: Commercial, Industrial and MilitaryTemperature Ranges • 66pin, PGA Type, 1.185” square, Hermetic ...
05 type 1 2010-07-09 TC74VHCV05FT/FK Pin Assignment 1A 1Y 2A 1 2 3 14 V CC 13 6A 12 6Y 2Y 3A 4 5 11 5A 10 5Y 3Y 6 7 9 8 4A 4Y GND (top view) Truth Table A Y L Z L H System Diagram (per gate) Y A 2 2010-07-09 TC74VHC...
Ultrasonic Module HC-SR04 Operation: Provide a minimum 10µsec pulse to trigger the pin. This will generate & transmit 8 pulses of 40 kHz and makes the Echo pin high. The echo pin remains high till it gets the echo signal on the receiver. i.e., the 40Hz transmitted signal gets refl...
Also, make sure to transfer them to the Bluetooth HC-05 module on software serial (if you are connected with a phone). This will allow you to see the messages in the Bluetooth terminal app. Fig 5. If your Arduino board does not have pin 1, then change to pin 8 for buzzer/motor ...
Pin : Datasheet PDF Application :Quad 2−Input NAND Gate with Open−Drain Outputs High−Performance Silicon−Gate CMOS Manufacturer :ONSEMI[ON Semiconductor] Package : Pin : MC74HC03ADR2G Circuit Diagram And Pic MC74HC03ADR2G Suppliers...