Although we identified more HBVpoly-specific T cell populations in the liver compared with other HBV epitopes, T cells targeting HBV-C epitopes had greater frequencies in both HCC and HM. Despite the association between HBV x protein and the carcinogenesis of HCC (Levrero and Zucman-Rossi, ...
rcccDNA-mediated HBV replication in Huh7 cells. In the natural HBV life cycle, the cccDNA serves as the transcriptional template for synthesizing viral RNAs; among them, the pre-genomic RNA (pgRNA) is encapsidated by the viral core protein to form the capsid and subsequently served as a...
Chromatin immune precipitation (ChIP) assays were performed as described29,30. Briefly, 48-hour after transfection with rcccDNA or pTHBV2, Huh-7 cells were fixed in 1% formaldehyde. The cross-linked nuclei were isolated and sonicated in 1% SDS lysis buffer before subjecting to chromatin immunopr...