HBSE 10th Result 2025: The Haryana Board of School Education (HBSE) will declare the Class 10 results tentatively in the month of May 2025. Students can check their respective results on the official website. They must enter their roll numbers or date of birth in the login details section ...
Students can also check their date sheet through our website once released, as for ease of you we have provided the complete schedule for the Haryana Board 10thExamination. Datesheet is released on the website in PDF format. HBSE 10thexamination schedule consist of various important details regar...
Here is the sample image of Class 10 HBSE result window. Roll number is the key credential to access results. June 11, 2021 | 08:31 AMIST HBSE 10th result 2021 time As of now, the board has announced the result date only. HBSE result time is yet to be revealed by the ...
BSEH Haryana 12th Result 2020 Declared: Students can finally check the outcome of their year long hard work now that the Haryana Plus Two result 2020 has been officially declared. The Board of Secondary Education, Haryana released the BSEH Haryana 12th resul...
(rowKey)); Result result = table.get(get); List<Cell> cells = result.listCells(); HashMap<String, String> resMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Cell cell: cells) { //列 byte[] column_bytes = CellUtil.cloneQualifier(cell); //值 byte[] value_bytes = CellUtil.cloneValue(...
However, regular candidates cannot download the date sheet directly from the website. The school heads or the school administration of the registered regular HBSE Board students in class 10th and 12th should download the HBSE Admit card for the students through the school login link on the...