万众期待的Harvard Business School 终于公布了Class of 2024 Profile。给大家总结一下这份Class Profile:申请人数暴跌,但班级人数却史无前例的多;GMAT中位数保持730,但却有人540就进了哈佛;多元化程度上升,行业/学历背景没有显著变化。 (其余已经公布Class Profile的学校大家可以点击下面的链接查看:) 🔗东海岸纽约...
万众期待的Harvard Business School 终于公布了Class of 2024 Profile。给大家总结一下这份Class Profile:申请人数暴跌,但班级人数却史无前例的多;GMAT中位数保持730,但却有人540就进了哈佛;多元化程度上升,行业/学历背景没有显著变化。 (其余已经公布Class Profile的学校大家可以点击下面的链接查看:) 东海岸纽约最强...
Class of 2023 Profile 4年数据对比 Harvard HBS公布了2023届MBA班级的学生情况,录取人数、女生比例、GRE考试比例等均创下新高。 HBS迎来了2023届MBA新生班级,学生规模首次突破1000人。这主要有由于疫情推出的推迟入学政策导致的。受疫情影响,去年同期,HBS录取了859名学生,732人选择当年入学,127人选择推迟入学。在今年...
Class of 2023 Profile 4年数据对比 上周,Harvard HBS公布了2023届MBA班级的学生情况,录取人数、女生比例、GRE考试比例等均创下新高。 (欢迎查收文末近4年数据对比) HBS迎来了2023届MBA新生班级,学生规模首次突破1000人。这主要有由于疫情...
Case studies that engage your target audience should include both a problem and solution that resonates with them, along with testimonials, visuals, and any information regarding future plans of the business or individual being profiled. It can also be beneficial to include customers from brands yo...
Harvard Business School just released apreliminary profile of the class of 2015. Acceptance rate decreased to 12% (from 13% last year), and with 940 enrolling students as of June 3 (out of 9,315 applicants), the yield reached an impressive 90% (although surprisingly HBS may not be the ...
在商学院的天空中,哈佛商学院(HBS)始终像一颗闪亮的明星,吸引着无数追梦者的目光。最近,HBS发布了最新一届的Class Profile & Employment Report,数据背后究竟隐藏着怎样的秘密?让我们来深度剖析这份报告,看看2024届MBA生的真实面貌以及他们未来的职业走向。
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