Tell me about your ideal role post-MBA. What’s your Plan B or C if your initial goals don’t work out? At what time did you decide to apply to HBS and why? 工作问题 Why did you choose to join Company X (something from your CV)? What are the best and worst things about your...
Engaged Community Citizenship So much of our MBA experience - including the case method, section life, and student-organized events - requires the active collaboration of the entire HBS community. That's why we look for students who exhibit the highest ethical standards and respect for others, an...
So much of our MBA experience - including the case method, section life, and student-organized events - requires the active collaboration of the entire HBS community. That's why we look for students who exhibit the highest ethical standards and respect for others, and can make positive contribu...
1. 选校 我今年选学校是很马虎的,big 3里我留下了stanford(免得第二年重新申请三所都变成re-apply),再搭配一所finance方面强的(我本科学金融对金融排名强还是很迷恋的……),本来想选chicago,别人告诉我columbia的课程设置要比chicago新一些,连招生形势都没有好好研究,就改了。后来的过程里觉得学校的侧重对它招...
Tell me about your ideal role post-MBA. What’s your Plan B or C if your initial goals don’t work out? At what time did you decide to apply to HBS and why? 工作问题 Why did you choose to join Company X (something from your CV)? What are the b...
MBA Applywire Applying:Duke / Fuqua,Georgetown / McDonough,Johns Hopkins / Carey,Northwestern / Kellogg,U. Chicago Booth,UNC Kenan-Flagler,Yale SOM Post-MBA Target Industry:Technology, Venture Capital, Entrepreneurship GPA:3.17 Applying:Columbia,Harvard Business School,Stanford GSB,UPenn / Wharton,Y...
2+2 Defferal 项目录取,申请过程和常规 MBA 基本一样,不过在论坛里很少看到 deferral 项目的经验分享,所以在常规 MBA 申请经验的基础上我也会加一些 2+2 specific 的 tips 分享。 今天中午收到的录取,打开结果前还做了五分钟的自我心理疏通,我还年轻没录也没事,大不了过几年再申请。然后打开看到了好消息并且...
Yale MBA 2020/2021 R2 面经 1月中旬收到Yale SOM的面试邀请,预约的2.9号,面试前有两个task,一个是AO会分享一个Dean's quote需要提前看看,有可能在面试中问到自己的理解,另外一个就是在系统中提交一个对自己有共鸣的Quote。面试前24小时会收到学校的邮件,里面的lo...
My Career And Hbs | I Want to Go to Harvard MbaHi, I'm a student of Electronics and Communication Engineering studying 3rd year in Anna University Chennai , India. I'm planning to apply for the HBS 2+2 program this July.. In April 2007, my busi...My Career And HbsPoetry...
HBS looks for a Habit of Leadership. What were some memorable ways you saw leadership stand out in MBA applications during your time at HBS? The interesting thing about recognizing a“Habit of Leadership”is that it can be demonstrated in various ways. Of course, there are the more typical ...