8.Move beyond strategy and start to execute.Strategy and execution are more closely intertwined than many realize. How to execute more effectively by getting the right people working on the right problems and how to ask the necessary questions to narrow the gap between strategy and execution. 9....
读到一篇文章,HBR上的,关于数字化营销策略(digital marketing strategy),paid media、owned media和earned media三种类型媒体的区别。熟悉的话题,没想到十多年后,还可以讨论,这大概就是经典的魅力。它们三者的区别在于控制力、成本和影响力的差异。在数字化时代,earned 媒体并不便宜,比如KOL,Paid和owned 媒体的控制力...
追根溯源,问题出在人们混淆 了运营效益 (operational effective- ness) 和战略 (strategy) 这两个最 基本的概念。为了追求生产率、质 量和速度,企业开发出大量的管理 工具和技巧,如全面质量管理、基 准比较法、时基竞争 (time-based competition)、 外包、合作伙伴、流 程再造 (reengineering) 以及变革管 理等。
See how leading experts on strategy weigh in on these and other crucial questions and find answers to your toughest challenges in this collection of the most popular Harvard Business Review cases. The HBR Case Studies series. Every day, managers face challenges that put them to the test. When...
YOUR STRATEGY NEEDS A STRATEGY(HBR) 参考学习资料.pdf,SeptemBeR 2012 HBR.ORG reprinT r1209e Spotlight on Strategy Your Strategy Needs a Strategy by Martin Reeves, Claire Love, and Philipp Tillmanns Spotlight on strategy artwork nuala o’Donovan Spotlight
例如杰伊·加尔布雷思(Jay Galbraith)的星形模型,它定义了5个关键的组织要素:战略、结构、奖励、流程以及人。麦肯锡公司著名的7S框架则列出了公司架构的7个要素:战略(strategy)、结构(structure)、制度(systems)、员工(staff)、风格(style)、技能(skills)和共同的价值观(sharedvalues)。 只要合理,人力资源部采用何种...
英文原版 制定战略指南 HBR Guide to Setting Your Strategy 哈佛商业评论指南系列 企业管理读物 进口英语书籍 Harvard Business Review 著 京东价 ¥ 降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 - + 加入购物车 更多商品信息
forcescompetitiveshapehbrstrategyrivals .hbrreprints The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy by Michael E. Porter Included with this full-text Harvard Business Review article: The Idea in Brief—the core idea The Idea in Practice—putting the idea to work 1 Article Summary 2 The Five Compe...
What is Strategy? 战略就是企业通过一系列不同的运营活动,创造出独特且极具价值的定位。能找到新的战略定位将成为创业者的优势。 -一句话描述,战略到底是什么?最关注什么? -东西方战略思维有何差异? -你自己的核心竞争优势(不可替代性)是什么? -你的企业的核心竞争优势(不可替代性)是什么?