Created by the team behind HBO’s Emmy and Peabody Award-winning “Goodnight Moon and Other Sleepytime Tales,” it’s a lovingly made tapestry of playful live action and dreamlike, animated holiday songs sung by greats from Doris Day to Frank Sinatra. Touching and hilarious kids talk about th...
On March 25, HBO Max will premiere the new animated specialThe Runaway Bunny, based on the children's book by Margaret Wise Brown. Producer and director Amy Schatz captures the gentle magic of this classic with the use of traditional hand-drawn animation, narration and performance of an origi...
By our estimates, there’s more than 1600 movies on WarnerMedia’s new streaming service,HBO Max, at launch. They’re listed below — yes, all of them — in alphabetical order. They range from silents that are 100 years old likeBattleship Potemkin, to films from last year, like the O...