The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat take center stage in this captivating series set against the backdrop of the horse racing world. Boasting complex characters, high-stakes drama, and mesmerizing insights into the business of betting, this show is a surefire winner. Premiered: Decemb...
Complex characters, atmospheric cinematography, and deep-seated crime set the stage for this crime drama and anthology series that follows a non-linear timeline from Louisiana to Los Angeles. If you’re a fan of procedural dramas and murder mysteries, you’ll love this hit HBO series starring ...
season. it allowed the vulnerability of the character to show, and cattrall rose to the occasion. by series-end, her work resulted in five consecutive emmy nominations for supporting actress comedy, but sadly never a trip to the stage. samantha may be gone, but never forgotten. adam driver ...
After warming up with an episode about preparing a man for an awkward confession to a bar trivia team, the first season shifts to Nathan helping an eccentric Christian woman who’s considering motherhood but needs to prepare for the complications of each stage. This leads to multiple child ...
With Logan Roy (Brian Cox) successfully defending an attack from his three children, the stage is set for Waystar Royco’s sale to tech visionary Lukas Matsson (Alexander Skarsgard). But no sale of this size is ever simple, and no deal orchestrated within the Roy family is ever clean; ...
All this messaging wreaks havoc on launch director Cole Davis’ (Channing Tatum) worksite. When the White House deems the mission too important to fail, suddenly both Jones and Davis have another job. They must stage a fake moon landing, just in case the real one doesn’t pan out. ...
” Arabella is struggling under the pressure of meeting the deadline for her second book. To de-stress, she meets up with friends for a night out in London, which becomes a complete blur. The next morning, she pieces together the events of the previous night, challenging social norms and...
As with any celebrity documentary, it's always hard to know what is real and what is a performance, but seeing how megastars choose to present themselves tells you a lot about them. It's a well-edited, paced, and constructed film that ends the moment Gaga steps on stage at the Super...
Not everyone wakes up to an avalanche of antisemitic tweets and then decides to attend a meeting of white nationalists in New York City. Because, well, not everyone is Alex Edelman, who has recounted the evening hundreds of times onstage in his hilarious and thought-provokinghit show “Just...
During the Warner Bros. Discovery presentation on Wednesday, CEO David Zaslav, HBO CEO and Chairman Casey Bloys, and WBD streaming chief JB Perrette hit the stage to officially announced a rebrand for streaming platform HBO Max and tease the content slate, updated features, and new...