Dream On is an American adult-themed situation comedy about the family life, romantic life, and career of Martin Tupper, a divorced New York City book editor played by Brian Benben. The show distinctively interjected clips from older black and white television series to punctuate Tupper's feeli...
Exploring the life of television chef Julia Child, who pioneered the cooking-show genre. Actors: Sarah Lancashire, David Hyde Pierce, Brittany Bradford, Bebe Neuwirth, Fran Kranz Network: HBO Max Also ranks #8 on The Best TV Shows About Real People of the Last Few Years Also ...
While anticipating the demise of The Sopranos, I've been wondering if HBO might be losing an even more valuable commodity: its mojo. Consider that the final Sopranos season removed any doubt that it's as outstanding as anything the medium has ever produced. A host of shows, from Larry ...
ABC Family (USA) Rai Sport 1 (Italy) Vasanth TV (India) ESPN (USA) HBO Boxing (USA) Sport Baltic (Europe) 92 News HD (Pakistan) CineMax (USA) 1+1 (Ukraine) Channel One (Russia) Showtime (USA) BRN TV (Congo) Italia 1 (Italy) ...
The show, produced by Martin Scorsese and Mark Wahlberg, amongst others, is as brashly violent and brutal as a Scorsese production can get and is the most visceral and vehement exploration of the prominent gangsters of those years and the vast empires they commanded. Add that to all the venal...
Sorkin wanted viewers to embrace McAvoy as the last idealist: a man of integrity in a compromised business. But most of the show was about him trumpeting his virtue. It did get better as it went along, with longer and more nuanced story arcs, but Sorkin couldn’t dig himself out a ...
Just like GoT, there’s enough sex, violence, backstabbing, family dysfunction, and dragons to fill that void—and even the occasional darkly lit scene to get audiences all riled up. The show’s second season wrapped in August, meaning you’ve got about another year to catch up. Watch on...
The future of the family business Nixon Medical will face the same challenge again in the future, and Berstein, 49, said he is now thinking about how challenging the transition from generation two to generation three of his family will be. The brothers have yet to decide if the firm will ...
Capturing a moment in time when superstar Lady Gaga was at the top of her game, having just learned that she would be starring in Bradley Cooper's "A Star is Born" and about to do the Super Bowl halftime show, this documentary takes pains to show a real and vulnerable side to a hug...
which has her unleashing all her fury upon tony about cheating and other transgressions. six emmy noms across the show, with three wins, falco is the co-founder of bad-ass women on tv. kieran culkin – succession image credit: macall polay / hbo role : roman roy created by : jesse ...