Supernatural beings and steamy romance collide in this addictive series set in a small Louisiana town where vampires walk among humans. With a rich mythology and engaging plotlines, fans of otherworldly creatures are sure to get sucked in. Premiered: September 7, 2008 Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Thrille...
We all remember the time when vampires were all the rage, and in 2008 just a couple of months before the release of Twilight, HBO and creator Alan Ball deliveredTrue Blood. Based onThe Southern Vampire Mysteriesbooks by author Charlene Harris, the series was a cultural juggernaut when it pre...
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For Season 6, ‘What We Do in the Shadows’ Had to Dress Over 200 Vampires in Brooklyn 12/10/2024 by Sarah Shachat Indiewire John Billingsley's Favorite & Least Favorite Star Trek: Enterprise Episodes 12/8/2024 by Witney Seibold
HBO has long been a pioneer in producing groundbreaking, award-winning television series that have entertained millions of viewers worldwide, and with its innovative storytelling and compelling characters, the network has consistently raised the bar for what is possible on the small screen. The best...
Justin, Neal
Grady Hendrix’s novel, The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires, pits housewives against a vicious vampire with heart, charm, and humor. Per Deadline, a comedic series adaptation is now in the works at HBO.The project was initially announced under Amazon four years ago but has...
Watch True Blood (HBO) on Max. Plans start at Anna Paquin stars in this series as a telepathic waitress in the near future, in which vampires -- and various other creatures -- live among us.
As Sookie fights her growing attraction to Eric, it leads to a fan-favorite moment in the series: Sookie dreaming of having a threesome with both Eric and Bill. With both vampires sinking their fangs into her neck, it became an iconic moment forthe steamy love triangleand fooled many fans...
81 as the telepathic waitress who finds herself entangled in the world of vampires and other supernatural creatures, oscar winner anna paquin (“the piano”) brought a vulnerable southern twang and her remarkable multi-layered physicality to the alan ball series. her on-screen chemistry with her ...