The HBO television drama The Sopranos received considerable critical attention for effective use of an eclectic array of music.[1][2][3][4] Series creator David Chase personally selected all the show's music, with the producer Martin Bruestle and music editor Kathryn Dayak—sometimes also consul...
The geopolitical drama that unfolds in George R.R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series is so epic in scope that it can make Lord of the Rings feel like Cliff's Notes. 这部改编自乔治·R·R·马丁《冰与火之歌》系列奇幻小说的地理政治...
《黑道家族》(The Sopranos)是描写美国纽泽西州北部义大利裔黑手党的虚构电视影集,制作人是David Chase。1999年1月10日在北美HBO首播第一季。本影集自开播以后就非常成功,甚至成为一种文化现象。 本剧拥有广大的收视群,其开创性地以写实镜头呈现黑手党生活、美国家庭、义裔美国人社群、暴力支配的世界与道德的灰色地带,...
youtube The man behind the cultural phenomenon. In Wise Guy David Chase and The Sopranos, a new 2-part HBO Original Documentary, #TheSopranos creator offers a unique look into his work on the iconic series. #WiseGuyHBO premieres September 7 at 8 pm ET on 影视 预告·资讯 美剧 黑道家族 ...
Space Invader - The Pretenders Tiny Tears - Tindersticks Gloria - Van Morrison Core N' Grata - Dominic Chianese Bonus Track - Dialogue From "The Sopranos" 喜欢听"The Sopranos - Peppers and Eggs: Music From The HBO Series"的人也喜欢的唱片 ··· The Sopranos...
HBO may gotten its start in movies and sports broadcasts, but the cable giant has now aired more than 100 series and 20 miniseries in its 42-year history. And looking at thatlineupof shows, it's not anoverstatementto say the channel helpedusherin the current golden age of television. We...
2. The Sopranos 《黑道家族》 Murderers aren't one-dimensidimensionalonal; they have feelings, aspirations, justifications, families. 不能从单一维度来看待杀手,他们也有感情,有抱负,有义气,有家庭。 1. The Wire 《火线重案组》 Series mastermastermind mind David Simon conceived The Wire as a modern...
"Space Invader" - The Pretenders "Tiny Tears" - Tindersticks "Gloria" - Van Morrison "Core 'ngrato" - Dominic Chianese "Dialogue From 'The Sopranos'" - The Sopranos Cast 我要写乐评 The Sopranos: Peppers & Eggs (Music From the HBO Original Series)的乐评 ···(全部 0 条) "The Sopranos...
There will be plenty ofSopranosfans who watchThe Many Saints of Newarkon HBO Max and subsequently see it as an extended bonus episode, rather than a cinematic entity unto itself. That’s unfortunate, as the movie has a whole different look, feel and approach thanthe originalSopranosseries, an...