HBO Max现在可在Vizio电视上使用 Vizio公司在这方面做得比较晚,但用户已经能够通过AirPlay和Chromecast将HBO Max传送到他们的Vizio电视。除了应用程序外,这两个选项将继续提供。 - "Vizio的使命是为每天使用我们产品的数百万人提供最佳的娱乐体验。通过我们的SmartCast平台轻松访问HBO Max的优质节目库和标志性节目有助...
观看 HBO 最大 电视上的节目和电影变得越来越容易 维齐奥拥有者。SmartCast 电视现在具有本地 HBO Max 应用程序,因此您无需从其他设备投射内容。除了通过按遥控器上的按钮以老式方式访问 HBO Max 之外,您还可以通过 SmartCast Mobile 应用程序或带有 Vizio Voice 的Voice Remote 使用语音导航。为了纪念该应用程序的...
Streaming apps such as Disney Plus, Vudu, Pandora, HBO Max and Sling TV are now coming to the webOS platform on non-LG TVs, helping to make third-party webOS solutions – made by the likes of Blaupunkt, Polaroid, Seiki and Skytech – feel just as decked out as the real thing. Those...
HBO Max, or “MAX”, is probably the worst streaming application out there. It has various bugs on my smart TV and also the new iPad Pro. I used to pay for it and canceled it because I can’t stand how bad the application is. Then I got access to it again because it’s now in...
This article gives users a list of two different ways to play HBO Max videos on the Nintendo Switch.
Best LG TVs to buy in 2021 What are the best smart TVs? We're told that, "From September through the end of this year, support will be added for a number of premium content services, including Disney+, Vudu, Pandora, HBO Max and Sling TV. Disney+, which is quickly becoming a globa...
Para baixar o aplicativo HBO Max, sua Samsung Smart TV compatível deve estar conectada à Internet. Depois disso, você só precisa ir à App Store localizada à esquerda da barra inicial da TV; digite “HBO Max” no ícone de pesquisa, selecione o aplicativo e, por fim, clique em “...
Cómo descargar HBO Max en Smart TVs Samsung compatibles Para descargar la aplicación HBO Max, el Smart TV Samsung -de modelos 20161 hasta 2021- debe estar conectado a Internet. Luego, solo necesita ir a la tienda de aplicaciones, escribir “HBO Max” en el icono de búsqueda, seleccionar ...
Hello all, I recently subscribed to HBO Max, to watch streaming videos, but there is no way to skip forward, only a skip backwards button provided, and none of the browser extensions that claim to create an interface change do anything at all... Is there no possible way to skip forward...
HBO Max 应用登陆 Vizio SmartCast 电视 观看HBO 最大 电视上的节目和电影变得越来越容易 维齐奥拥有者。SmartCast 电视现在具有本地 HBO Max 应用程序,因此您无需从其他设备投射内容。除了通过按遥控器上的按钮以老式方式访问 HBO Max 之外,您还可以通过 SmartCast Mobile 应用程序或带有 Vizio Voice 的Voice ...