2、苹果Apple TV 苹果 Apple TV 是一款智能电视盒,它可以让你在电视上观看各种流媒体应用,如 Netfli...
LG HBO go ..因为是hbo asia的版本,所以要注册香港或者台湾地区。网络准备肯定是要的。如果使用香港地区网络,是要经过now e官网来注册账号,买捆绑套餐,需要visa信用卡,月费大概70+元。台湾地区最便宜,
1. Sign in to Max on Samsung TV, LG Smart TV, or Xbox Signing in usually involves two steps: first, you go to the service on your TV or streaming device, and then you use another device, like a computer or phone, to verify your identity. To sign into Max on yourSamsung TV,LG S...
买了索尼电视、PS5、Xbox、TCL、LG、Apple tv的用户不能错过这个视频!奈飞 2.3万 10 04:52 App 开箱流媒体HBO GO全中文体验 1.0万 4 02:25 App 看剧观影AppleTV流媒体平台推荐:奈飞 HBO AppleTV+ 1.3万 19 06:25 App 国外VS 国内流媒体平台对比|有了爱优腾芒等流媒体平台,为什么还要选择Netflix或...
MAX介绍 目前我们目前说的MAX 都是说的HBO MAX或者说是HBO GO,都是由华纳兄弟推出的一款流媒体平台;...
3回复贴,共1页 <<返回lg电视吧求助请问台区可以有hbo go 安装吗? 只看楼主 收藏 回复 godboy2002 亚拉尔 4 谢谢了! leon 吧主 13 有 周笔畅 伊拉斐尔 12 go没什么可看的 登录百度账号 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息...
Thanks to the HBO Max app, it's easier than ever to enjoy your favorite shows and movies on your LG Smart TV.
Almost a month after CEO Richard Plepler revealed HBO's standalone online streaming service HBO NOW at an Apple event, the highly anticipated platform has debuted exclusively on Apple TV. With the new service, which differs from HBO GO, users no longer need a cable subscription to view HBO ...
现在就透过A站 订阅HBO GO;或透过App Store或Play Store下载及订阅HBO GO,每月最优惠的价格只要RM23令吉30仙。HBO GO支援Android TV、Apple TV、LG TV,以及三星Smart TV,同时也支援AirPlay与Google Cast功能。更多资讯请参考hbogoasia.my。 ▼ 免责声明本站部分内容《图·文》来源于国际互联网,仅供参考,不代表...
Apple TV Gets a Bit Bigger, With HBO and ESPN Apps (For Most, but Not All of You)— Apple's TV hobby just got a bit bigger: Apple has added five new content providers to its sort-of set-top box, notably Time Warner's HBO Go and Disney's WatchESPN. Also available as of today...