LG HBO go ..因为是hbo asia的版本,所以要注册香港或者台湾地区。网络准备肯定是要的。如果使用香港地区网络,是要经过now e官网来注册账号,买捆绑套餐,需要visa信用卡,月费大概70+元。台湾地区最便宜,
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Amazon Fire TV Yes Yes No PlayStation 4 Yes Yes Yes Xbox One Yes Yes Yes Chromecast Yes Yes Yes Android TV Yes Yes Yes Computer browser Yes Yes Yes Samsung smart TV Yes Yes Yes Correction: Originally the chart above indicated that LG smart TVs...
1. Sign in to Max on Samsung TV, LG Smart TV, or Xbox Signing in usually involves two steps: first, you go to the service on your TV or streaming device, and then you use another device, like a computer or phone, to verify your identity. To sign into Max on yourSamsung TV,LG S...
传送门:https://inurl.top/go/yinhe/ 具体如何购买,参考下面的这两篇教程:如何便宜购买奈飞Netflix...
此外,HBO Max 也有提供智慧電視平台的 App,可以直接在 Apple TV、Android TV、Amazon Fire TV、LG Smart TV、三星智慧電視上,下載 HBO Max 的 App,就能夠透過大螢幕觀看。 豐富片單聚焦 HBO 原創與華納經典 當然片單內容還是很重要,HBO Max 提供的影片內容聚焦於 HBO 原創影集、好萊塢大片,以及華納兄弟集團旗下...
现在就透过A站 订阅HBO GO;或透过App Store或Play Store下载及订阅HBO GO,每月最优惠的价格只要RM23令吉30仙。HBO GO支援Android TV、Apple TV、LG TV,以及三星Smart TV,同时也支援AirPlay与Google Cast功能。更多资讯请参考hbogoasia.my。 ▼ 免责声明本站部分内容《图·文》来源于国际互联网,仅供参考,不代表...
Now that we’ve shown you how to change your profile picture in the HBO app, which of the five options did you go for? We’d love to know what you think about the HBO Max so far, let us know in the comments section below.
Philo is now available on LG smart TVs Philo is now available on Vizio TVs Vizio’s aging SmartCast reborn as Vizio Home Screen, with better content discovery features The era of Max is upon us as HBO and Discovery combine It’s deja vu all over again for HBO, Discovery — and the ne...
Every time I stream the app on my tv from my phone it glitches. For example, I’ll put on a show I want to watch, put on an episode and it’ll work after I exit out of the app. But as soon as I turn my phone on and go into the app it completely restarts the episode of ...