所以我们现在很难受:高级套餐每月要19.99美元,标准套餐每月15.49美元,基础套餐每月9.99美元。但Netflix绝不是唯一一家不断涨价的流媒体平台,Hulu去年也首次提高了带广告订阅的价格。至于Disney Plus和Apple TV Plus等2019年才面世的后辈,涨起价来更是没有任何心理负担。但多收的这些钱和新增订阅用户也没有给...
虽然迪士尼并未具体介绍涉及的内容,但有人怀疑这跟该公司回购Netflix在2015年前后制作的部分漫威剧集有关——例如目前归Disney Plus所有的《杰西卡·琼斯》和《夜魔侠》。而这样的意外开支让迪士尼别无选择,只能通过提高会费来弥补损失。 迪士尼也确实是这么干的:他们从去年12月起将Disney Plus的价格从每月7.99美元上调...
迪士尼也确实是这么干的:他们从去年12月起将Disney Plus的价格从每月7.99美元上调至10.99美元,并将带广告的Hulu低配套餐从每月6.99美元上调至7.99美元,免广告版本则由每月12.99美元上涨至14.99美元。就连ESPN Plus也在今年7月迎来涨价,于是40%的用户别无选择,只能选择用更便宜的价格打包购买包含全部三个平台的迪士尼流...
索尼电视观看HBO MAX && Disney Plus 加简体中文字幕教程! 2021年4月8日发布 08:39 索尼电视观看HBO MAX && Disney Plus 加简体中文字幕教程! 讨论 登录参与讨论 这里的评论内容走失了 请检查网络后,点击空白处重试特色推荐 杀毒软件 软件下载 手机版 Windows版 Mac版 iPad版 TV版 服务 客服 反馈 侵权投诉...
That particular support came first to US screens, with European and Asian territories following soon after. Disney Plus for all! It's a good month for Disney Plus specifically, having also finally landed on Panasonic smart TVs – a brand which you won't get in the US, but which has ...
Don’t worry, the various major streaming services have got you well covered as Netflix, Disney Plus, Hulu, HBO Max and Amazon Prime are all serving up some great fresh content over the course of the next few days. Whether you’re looking for an early Halloween treat, a few classic ...
which brings us to this week. yes, the internet was aflame over the max launch’s glitches, but that was far from the only news happening in the streaming world. disney also announced that starting today, it too would purge dozens of titles from hulu and disney+. all this is also ...
Need more shows like Genera+ion? This list features the best movies and shows like Generation you’ll want to watch next.
Teleparty (formerly Netflix Party) is still around, but with some updates. Now you can watch Hulu, HBO, Disney Plus, Netlfix and other streaming services with your friends -- perfect for a marathon of movies that aren't on Netflix. Teleparty is a free extension f...