Quota is disabled Took 0.0835 seconds 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 5.更新指定字段的数据 hbase(main):021:0> put 'student','1001','info:name','Nick' Took 0.0055 seconds hbase(main):022:0> put 'student','1001','info:age','100' Took 0.0067 seconds 1. 2. 3. 4. 6...
# is_enabled 和 is_disabled 来检查表是否被禁用【这两个命令使用一个就够了】 # 禁用表【这里不再贴出 Took xxx seconds 等无用或冗余信息】 hbase:009:0> disable 'student' hbase:010:0> is_disabled 'student' true hbase:011:0> is_enabled 'student' false # 启用表【这里不再贴出 Took xxx...
Took 5.0114 seconds is_enabled:判断该表是否是启用的表 hbase(main):034:0> is_enabled'doit:student'trueTook 0.0065 seconds =>true is_disabled:判断该表是否是禁用的表 hbase(main):035:0> is_disabled'doit:student'falseTook 0.0046 seconds => 1 describe:描述这张表 hbase(main):038:0> describe...
ION=>'NONE', TTL=>'FOREVER', MIN_VERSIONS=>'0', BLOCKCACHE=>'true', BLOCKSIZE=>'65536', REPLICATION_SCOPE=>'0'}2row(s) Quota is disabled Took0.0654 seconds 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 插入数据 插入5 行数据,put 后面从左往右依次有 4 个参数: 1.表...
create_namespace 'mydb1',{'createTime'=>'2022-05-08','createBy'=>'wdh01'} hbase:001:0> describe_namespace 'mydb' DESCRIPTION {NAME => 'mydb'} Quota is disabled Took 0.8975 seconds hbase:002:0> describe_namespace 'mydb1' DESCRIPTION {NAME => 'mydb1', createBy => 'wdh01'...
Quota is disabled Took 0.0337 seconds 3)插入数据 put 'students','stu001','info:name','Tom' put 'students','stu001','info:age','24' put 'students','stu001','info:gender','Male' put 'students','stu001','grade:math','80'
hbase> is_disabled 'ns1:t1' get_table,获取表,将其作为object对象返回,然后基于对象操作hbase> t1 = get_table 't1' hbase> t1 = get_table 'ns1:t1' hbase>t1.help list_regions 一般查一个表的所有region,可以通过web 界面查看以数组的形式列出特定表的所有region。
is_disabled, is_enabled, list, show_filters Group name: namespace Commands: alter_namespace, create_namespace, describe_namespace, drop_namespace, list_namespace, list_namespace_tables Group name: dml Commands: append, count, delete, deleteall, get, get_counter, get_splits, incr...
报错七:ERROR: Region {xxx} is listed in hbase:meta on region server {xxx1} but found on regionserver {xxx2}. 报错八:ERROR: Multiple region have the same startkey. 报错九:对HBase表进行创建或删除操作时报如下异常信息“org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableNotDisabledException” ...
is_enabled 'member' 判断表是否disable is_disabled 'member' 3、DML操作 插入表数据 put'member','yoyo','info:birthday','1990-4-23'put'member','yoyo','info:favorite','movie'put'member','yoyo','info:company','youyu'put'member','yoyo','address:contry','china'put'member','yoyo','addres...