ERROR: Region{meta=> JYDW:IDSS_YESTERDAY_COMPLAINTS_RATE,\x0B,1553225790923.f99264dbb2fda6f30ac40736126ef6a5.,hdfs=> hdfs://jybigdata/hbase/data/JYDW/IDSS_YESTERDAY_COMPLAINTS_RATE/f99264dbb2fda6f30ac40736126ef6a5,deployed=> ,replicaId=>0}not deployed on any region server. ERROR: Re...
acl表目录丢失导致HBase启动失败:需要检查HDFS上HBase的路径发现acl表路径丢失。 磁盘空间满导致region上线失败:通过HBase WebUI发现存在部分region未成功上线。 Region未被正确部署:在hbck命令输出中出现"Region xxx not deployed on any region server"。 Region处于禁用状态但被部署:在hbck命令输出中出现“Region shou...
Region found in META, but not in HDFS or deployed on any region server 拷贝过程的其它问题 Distcp失败 Distcp调优 前情提要 由于早期部署人员和架构上留下的大坑,我们集群的RegionServer组件和其他组件共机严重,服务器负载高时,直接会导致RegionServer断联,出现永久RIT的情况,而且hbck无论怎么修复都不行,虽然业务...
Region found in META, but not in HDFS or deployed on any region server 拷贝过程的其它问题 Distcp失败 Distcp调优 前情提要 由于早期部署人员和架构上留下的大坑,我们集群的RegionServer组件和其他组件共机严重,服务器负载高时,直接会导致RegionServer断联,出现永久RIT的情况,而且hbck无论怎么修复都不行,虽然业务...
ERROR: Region { meta => ns_aps:***,hdfs => hdfs://***, deployed => , replicaId => 0 } not deployed on any region server. 这只是一种报错,还有很多种,下面会进行解析 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13...
deployed => , replicaId => 0 } not deployed on any region server. 16/12/06 10:52:10 INFO util.HBaseFsck: Handling overlap merges in parallel. set hbasefsck.overlap.merge.parallel to false to run serially. ERROR: There is a hole in the region chain between 7 and b. You need to...
Number of dead region servers: 0 Number of empty REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER rows in .META.: 0 ERROR: Region url_rule,,1381594437892.4ffba0dca164b918911160176a1d05a6. not deployed on any region server. Trying to fix unassigned region... ...
Issue: Region is not in hbase:metaRegion xxx on HDFS, but not listed in hbase:meta or deployed on any region server.CauseVaries.ResolutionFix the meta table by running: Copy hbase hbck -ignorePreCheckPermission –fixMeta Assign regions to RegionServers by running: Copy hbase hbck -...
报错一:ERROR: Region {xxx} on HDFS {xxx},but not listed in hbase:meta or deployed on any region server. 报错二:ERROR: Region {xxx} not deployed on any region server. 报错三:ERROR: Region {xxx} not in hbase:meta,but deployed on {xxx} Server. ...