它包含了每个表的region的位置信息,用于帮助客户端定位需要访问的region所在的RegionServer。 2. 解决NotServingRegionException错误 当出现NotServingRegionException: hbase:meta,,1 is not online错误时,说明HBase的hbase:meta表的某个region不可用。导致这个问题的原因可能是RegionServer故障、网络问题或者其他原因。下面...
1、hbase hbck -fixMeta 修复meta表信息,利用regioninfo信息,重新生成对应meta row填写到meta表中,并为其填写默认的分配regionserver。 2、hbase hbck -fixHdfsHoles 修复region缺失,利用缺失的rowkey范围边界,生成新的region目录以及regioninfo填补这个空洞。 3、hbase hbck -fixAssignment 把这些offline的region触发上线...
Hbase启动后master日志一直有region not online的异常,使用hbase hbck命令检查,显示master is initializing,如图 2. 解决过程 由于无法直接使用hbck命令修复,尝试使用hbck2重分发对应region(hbck2使用教程请看前边的文章有介绍) 命令: 1 hbase hbck -j ./hbase-hbck2-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar assigns 6c3a6561af2bc...
,1.1588230740 is NOT online; state={1588230740 state=OPEN, ts=1567388594985, server=s130,16020,1567155264196}; ServerCrashProcedures=true. Master startup cannot progress, in holding-pattern until region onlined.
“is not online” indicates that the region server responsible for serving the region is not available or not reachable. “on hadoop02,160” specifies the hostname and port number of the region server where the region should be served. ...
1、查看 hbase 的请求数量是否过高,查看Request Per Second 并不高,排除热点问题,经过以上命令修复,一定要重启hbase,否则监控页还会有大量的region in RIT
regionName);if (region == null) {throw new NotServingRegionException("Region is not online: "...
Masters' cache, and they are not assigned either. To get these regions online, run the HBCK2 'assigns'command printed when this command-run completes. NOTE: If using hbase releases older than 2.3.0, a rolling restart of HMasters is needed prior to executing the set of 'assigns' output....
下图中分别标明了通电直导线中电流 I、匀强磁场的磁感应强度 B 和电流所受安培力 F 的方向,判断错误的是( )
verification ofhbase:meta,,1at address=worker05,16020,1428456823337, exception=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.NotServingRegionException: Regionhbase:meta,,1isnotonlineonworker05,16020,1428461295266 at Hbase写数据出现 is not online on ...,16020,1569380560106异常 ...