We identified a cohort of individuals with incident diabetes (N = 193,952), from Read codes (https://digital.nhs.uk/article/1104/Read-Codes) in the electronic health record; the cohort included those for whom the first diagnostic code for diabetes (type 1 or type 2 diabetes) was rec...
David Morris, Retired GP and Specialist Doctor in Diabetes, Undergraduate Clinical Tutor, Keele University; Consultant Endocrinologist, Probal Moulik, Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust. Understanding HbA1c Under normal circumstances, approximately 97% of adult haemoglobin is haemoglobin A (HbA), ...
Zhenchi,eta1.HbA1candtheseverityofcoronaryarteryinCAD Kuusisto等口在对 1298例芬兰糖尿病患者 abetes.ActaDiabeto1.2012,10:231—234. 进行 3.5年 随访发现 ,HbAlc为 7 的患者冠心 [5] SHAYEK,AMIRT,SHI()MOS,eta1.Fasting glucoselevelswithin the high normalrange predict 病死亡率和事件发生率显著增加...