Specific for HbA1c due to enzymatic test principle Minimized interferences by hemoglobin variants and other blood components Accurate and precise Standardized to IFCC, traceable to DCCT/NGSP Excellent precision Results equivalent to HPLC User-friendly and economic ...
The New Routine Reference Method for Determination of HbA1c. The Gold Standard of Tomorrow Exceeding Your Expectations Today Highly specific Specific for HbA1c due to enzymatic test principle Minimized interferences by hemoglobin variants and other blood components Accurate and precise Standardized to IFCC...
2.Cation - exchange HPLC 法是 reference method。 3.HbA1c值與Glucose值的相關性已建立且穩定。 4.Affinity 法和 Immunoassay 和 Ion-exchange HPLC 相關性己建立。 5.Total Gly-Hb 值必須轉成 HbA1c。 糖化血紅素與血糖的關係 形成速率與血中葡萄糖濃度成正比。 良好的血糖標記,可反應過去2-3個月來血糖...
usuallyEDTA butotheranticoagulantsmaybeuseddependingontheprincipleofthe analyticalmethod. 2.2Precautionsresampling,handlingetc. Samplesarestableat4°Cforoneweekaccordingtomost manufacturers.Arecentstudyhasshownthatsamplesmaybestable foruptoeightweeksat4°Cdependingontheassayprinciple.Forion- exchangemethods,storageat...
The assay principle is peptide mapping after proteolytic cleavage of the molecule followed by measurement of the ratio of the glycated and nonglycated Nterminal hexapeptides by HPLC/MS or HPLC/CE. An international network of 12 reference laboratories is in place. An overall CV below 2% is ...
Excellent variant detection capabilities Performance Characteristics HPLC principle build the Golden Standard of HbA1c testing the HPLC columns, reach advanced level of the world Auto puncture sampling ... Compare this product See the other productsCaretium Medical Instruments automatic HbA1c analyzerMQ...
Test Principle Nephelometry Sample Type Whole Blood, Serum, Plasma, Urine etc. Parameters Hscrp, Hba1c, Malb, D-Dimer, Aso, RF, C3, etc. Reagent Close System, and Reagent Are Pre-Packed. Transport Package Paper Carton or Wooden Case Specifica...
Four POCT systems designed for HbA1c measurement in blood were compared with a high quality laboratory method based on the HPLC principle and successfully controlled by a proficiency testing program provided by the European reference laboratory for HbA1c (in The Netherlands). The accuracy of all ...
The Sebia CAPI 3 HbA1c assay is based on capillary electrophoresis principle, which is a recognized method by NGSP. The assay has demonstrated good precision, a wide analytical measuring range and minimum carryover. The results are comparable to two HPLC-based methods and are well within the ...
The QD-based electrochemical assay showed a linear increase in current with increasing levels of HbA1c (4–16%) and a high correlation coefficient of 96% compared to that of the standardized HPLC method. Furthermore, this method requires a very small sample volume and is applicable for rapid,...