ShesthetopweaponsdealerinHell. 好吧这事到此为止 Okay,well,thatstopsrightnow. 嘿 Hey. 你绝对不能在这家客栈里制hearts;造hearts;武器 Youabsolutelycannotbuildweaponsinthishotel. 没人想要杀你 Nooneistryingtokillyou. 大家对你友好是希望给你宾至如归的感觉 ...
Hazbin Hotel Wiki 809 pages Wiki Article Keenie Keenie is a cherub angel who appears in the Helluva Boss episode "C.H.E.R.U.B". She is a former member of C.H.E.R.U.B and is a supporting antagonist alongside Cletus and Collin. She was later banished from Heaven alongside her co-...
Facility manager of the Hazbin HotelRelationshipsFamily Unnamed mother Friends Charlie Morningstar (business partner) Niffty (co-worker; daughter figure) Angel Dust Sir Pentious (former enemy) Egg Boiz (former enemies) Rosie MimzyEnemies Vox (rival) Exorcists Adam (attempted killer) Lute Others...
Angel Dust isa gay characterfrom Hazbin Hotel. How God Connects the Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss Multi-verse! (Theory) 25 related questions found Who was angel dust before he died? Alastorwas a southern radio host and serial killer from New Orleans, Louisiana. He died in 1933, however, it...
along with her girlfriend and manager Vaggie. On the other hand, there is pornographic film actor Angel Dust, who is their first client at the hotel, and "Radio Demon" Alastor who only helps Charlie for his own amusement rather than his actual belief in being good. The cast includes Erika...
toenlistyouraidinthedefenseofHellfromtheangelicextermination. 我们知道你杀死了一个天使我们需要知道怎么杀 Weknowanangelfellatyourhandsandweneedtoknowhow. 不行-“不行”是什么意思 No!-Whatdoyoumean,no? 地狱公主...-少拿公主压我 TheprincessofHell---Meansnothingtome. 你得给出更好的理由才行 Youhave...
thattheremaybealittle...tensioninthehotel. 这种紧张关系 可能会阻碍我们实现目标 Tension that can be counterproductive to what we're trying to do here. 我们觉得这个团队非常需要... We think that this group could really benefit from... 信仸练习 - 信仸练习 可恶 说晚了 Trust exercises!
Who? - Angel Dust. 是哦 那个色情恶魔 Oh, yeah. The porn demon. 他绝对值得被拯救 He's totally worth being redeemed. 好吧 既然你懂得这么多 Well, if you know so much. 那你说 进入天堂 需要满足什么条件 What do you think it takes to get into Heaven?
Whatintheever-lovingfuckareyoudoinghere?! 我可是地狱公主安吉尔我想去哪儿就去哪儿 IamthePrincessofHell,Angel.AndIgowhereIplease. 我是来替你争取点休息时间的你老板在哪儿 Imheretogetyousometimeoffforthehotel.Now,wheresyourboss? 不不行不准你去找瓦尔 ...
James Monroe Iglehart is an American stage, film, television and voice actor best known for his Tony Award-winning performance as the Genie in the original Broadway production of Aladdin musical. He voices Zestial in the Hazbin Hotel series[1] and an unn