The music is so good in this show. Now, what inspired the unique combination of an adult musical with an animated series to create Hazbin Hotel? Vivienne Medrano: Honestly, it's just a combination of so many things I love. I obviously am an animator first and foremost. So, I love ...
欢迎来到互联网|Welcome to the Internet/Bo Burnham [Music Box] 【地狱客栈/Hazbin Hotel】INSANE - 中文翻唱 诅咒神经症|のろいのノイローゼ/ぺぽよ feat. 初音ミク・VY1・ぽよろいど【オルゴール】 祝福的救世主和爱之塔|祝福のメシアとアイの塔/ひとしずく×やま△ feat. ボカロ10人【オル...